Active Users:619 Time:11/03/2025 06:54:11 PM
Re: The angreal magnifies the power of the individual holding it, not that of the entire circle. TheCrownless Send a noteboard - 12/11/2009 02:27:41 PM
An angreal magnifies the Power of the individual holding it, not that of the entire circle. If that individual is part of a circle, he/she will merely add a greater amount of Power to the circle, thanks to the angreal.

You sure on that? Like I said, I haven't done a re-read in a while but if you could provide quotes from the books/RJ I'd be willing to accept it.

Also, in the Asmodean/Rand case, they were equally balanced because at the time, they were equal in strength. Rand was not yet at his full power, and he was not in good physical shape. The net result was that he and Asmodean were perfectly matched when they shared access to the Choedan Kal.

Rand was still stronger than Asmodean at that point, they were both in bad physical condition after the chase, so I dont think that argument holds much water.

For me angreals only make sense if a major part of it's calculation is channelers power + "X", wether there is another part of the equation (eg. channelers power x 5 + "X" or not is up for debate, but a straight out multiplier wouldn't work.
Come to the dark side, We have candy!

I'm Israel, he's Palestine, its more fun when you pick sides.
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Sanderson's understanding of angreal is totally wrong... - 12/11/2009 11:10:57 AM 1655 Views
You should include quotes - 12/11/2009 11:42:20 AM 844 Views
The angreal magnifies the power of the individual holding it, not that of the entire circle. - 12/11/2009 11:57:20 AM 900 Views
Re: The angreal magnifies the power of the individual holding it, not that of the entire circle. - 12/11/2009 12:37:46 PM 827 Views
Sure, I agree... - 12/11/2009 12:45:33 PM 772 Views
Re: The angreal magnifies the power of the individual holding it, not that of the entire circle. - 12/11/2009 02:27:41 PM 801 Views
Please elaborate... - 12/11/2009 02:42:17 PM 795 Views
On the basis that we dont agree on the use of sa'angreals on a group. - 12/11/2009 03:02:29 PM 756 Views
OK, I'll humour you. This once. - 12/11/2009 05:18:57 PM 784 Views
How generous of you. - 12/11/2009 07:51:54 PM 858 Views
Scrap that - 12/11/2009 08:32:36 PM 769 Views
Rand Balefires a whole castle - 12/11/2009 01:10:05 PM 943 Views
There is no basis for that conclusion... - 12/11/2009 02:02:37 PM 810 Views
I could have sprayed - 12/11/2009 02:28:41 PM 767 Views
Ever notice the "sa" in sa'angreal? - 12/11/2009 03:09:30 PM 917 Views
It stands for Super Amazing. *NM* - 12/11/2009 04:10:02 PM 357 Views
I was under the assumption it was super awesome but oh well. *NM* - 13/11/2009 06:08:36 AM 388 Views
There's never been any indication that sa'angreal work through a different mechanism to angreal... - 12/11/2009 04:51:13 PM 845 Views
It has always been a viable theory, and Sanderson seems convincing...EDIT: RJ's take - 12/11/2009 08:21:17 PM 834 Views
Wrong place *ignore* - 12/11/2009 08:45:32 PM 733 Views
Do you still stick by the exponential theory? - 12/11/2009 08:52:31 PM 715 Views
I do *NM* - 12/11/2009 09:05:56 PM 313 Views
Good, 'cos it's bloody good. *NM* - 12/11/2009 10:56:30 PM 335 Views
Re: Wrong place *ignore* - 27/12/2009 06:14:51 PM 749 Views
Re: Ever notice the "sa" in sa'angreal? - 12/11/2009 07:48:37 PM 806 Views
You are missing two important points - 12/11/2009 05:09:35 PM 942 Views
I completely agree with you Shannow - 12/11/2009 07:01:29 PM 746 Views
Sidious' "One Power Dynamics" - 12/11/2009 08:10:41 PM 1211 Views
Oh, also - 12/11/2009 08:15:56 PM 787 Views
As long as you reference him, I doubt he'd mind. *NM* - 12/11/2009 08:36:59 PM 344 Views
there's a slight problem with your theory - 12/11/2009 08:19:25 PM 687 Views
Probably - 12/11/2009 09:05:31 PM 1113 Views
Agreed, with one point - 12/11/2009 09:25:09 PM 723 Views
Some ways the fixed amount theory could work... - 13/11/2009 12:33:04 AM 728 Views
Re: Some ways the fixed amount theory could work... - 13/11/2009 07:00:15 PM 631 Views
Re: Sanderson's understanding of angreal is totally wrong... - 13/11/2009 07:11:34 PM 739 Views
Yes it's also been mentioned before in earlier books - 19/11/2009 12:51:51 AM 673 Views
Re: Yes it's also been mentioned before in earlier books - 27/12/2009 06:37:47 PM 692 Views

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