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Re: There is nothing wrong with forcing Code_Man65 Send a noteboard - 11/11/2009 04:30:09 PM

Forcing is merely drawing your maximum everytime you channel. The White Tower guide novices very slowly while they learn, a practice which has earned them scorn from many cultures who channel. The Aes Sedai are merely scared that the initiate will burn herself out, so they discourage channeling at high levels - or even channeling at all.

The best way to channel is to be forced. You embrace your maximum every time you want to do something. It will get you to your potential quickly. Only an idiot will get burned out, and they shouldn't channel anyway.

Egwene probably did force them, and it's a good thing. She was forced and was stronger than Elayne and Aviendha for a good part of the series.

You present a very valid point. The way the White Tower traditionally trains new channelers is very inefficient. If they do not know how to handle their full power under non-stressful conditions how can you possibly expect them to bring their full power to bear when under extreme stress. Emotional control is a good thing (and when you look at how Saidar works very much required) but the shunning of channeling to do things to grow familiar with it (and at the same time accomplish the goal of finely tuned control over the weaves) seems terribly inefficient to me. While the Black Tower may focus more on teaching Ashamen to fight, the side effect is they are all very much used to working with Saidin to the point where they have very little difficulty doing both overtly large tasks and extremely small tasks with the power. I really think the White Tower could learn something from that.

On a semi-related note I wonder, if through Rand now having access to all of Lews Therins memories, we might learn that making new channelers do everything possible with the power once they learn how to embrace/seize it was the normal way of teaching in the Age of Legends.
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Saidar forcing - 10/11/2009 09:37:53 PM 948 Views
Re: Saidar forcing - 10/11/2009 10:23:12 PM 620 Views
I see your point - 10/11/2009 11:19:51 PM 586 Views
We know little about forcing, other than a few offhand lines - 11/11/2009 06:56:25 AM 510 Views
I thought I remember one of our main characters being shot up to her potential quickly - 11/11/2009 07:00:54 AM 652 Views
Nynaeve reached her full potential after using the Choedan Kal - she was "forced" by all the Power - 11/11/2009 03:01:33 PM 587 Views
Is that supported by the text? - 11/11/2009 06:37:26 PM 479 Views
Yes; it is mentioned in KOD. *NM* - 11/11/2009 06:56:26 PM 218 Views
Where, specifically? *NM* - 11/11/2009 09:15:23 PM 248 Views
Can't find it...nor my KoD book! It must be in my storage boxes somewhere! - 11/11/2009 10:03:55 PM 484 Views
I searched myself... - 12/11/2009 08:03:49 PM 466 Views
Re: We know little about forcing, other than a few offhand lines - 12/11/2009 06:59:44 PM 509 Views
She was. She just worked really hard heating tea in the White Tower. *NM* - 12/11/2009 07:09:30 PM 227 Views
Siuan apologizes for "forcing" Egwene - 13/11/2009 05:53:56 AM 793 Views
Saidin Forcing - 10/11/2009 11:19:58 PM 580 Views
I don't think so. - 10/11/2009 11:41:22 PM 546 Views
Re: I don't think so. - 11/11/2009 12:42:42 AM 471 Views
I'm not so sure... - 11/11/2009 06:55:56 AM 453 Views
There is nothing wrong with forcing - 11/11/2009 07:27:11 AM 570 Views
Re: There is nothing wrong with forcing - 11/11/2009 04:30:09 PM 517 Views
Re: There is nothing wrong with forcing - 11/11/2009 04:59:35 PM 574 Views
Eh, not sure if I agree - 11/11/2009 11:21:05 PM 469 Views

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