Active Users:1080 Time:11/03/2025 07:28:02 PM
And without a structure, how much damage can any individual do? Cannoli Send a noteboard - 11/11/2009 08:40:53 AM
Historians can tell you that the world is messy. Everything is flawed. Until the Wheel stops turning every economic system will prosper then fail, as will every type of state. Notice I did not say every economic theory!

My point is that of course the oaths are flawed, just as all the other regulating factors on channelers in the WOT are. I don't especially think that a bunch of free market channelers would play fairly with the rest of the kids. Unhindered by structure (as bad as a structure as the ones here are), you'd end up with very powerful channelers becoming something akin to the Forsaken.

And what did all the Forsaken do as soon as they were released into the world? Seek out a structure to use as their power base! Powerful structures HELP evil individuals, who use such things to exert their will on greater numbers. Sure, a bad channeler is bad news, but better he has no support than a group of moderate or indifferent channelers doing his bidding! If a Forskane-like channeler arises, odds are equally good that heroic individuals can match him. Kill the bad individual and you end his reign. A bad organization, however, can replace its leader and keep going.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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/Miscellaneous: A better ending to the Tower struggle? - 11/11/2009 03:30:40 AM 1393 Views
Re: /Miscellaneous: A better ending to the Tower struggle? - 11/11/2009 04:00:00 AM 597 Views
Personal aside re: Egwene - 11/11/2009 04:08:46 AM 774 Views
Re: Personal aside re: Egwene - 11/11/2009 04:29:58 AM 599 Views
Nuclear weapons were only deployed when ONE country had them. Never since. - 11/11/2009 06:15:23 AM 599 Views
This is a ridiculously idealistic viewpoint... - 11/11/2009 06:31:14 AM 713 Views
Re: This is a ridiculously idealistic viewpoint... - 11/11/2009 08:35:07 AM 618 Views
The World is messy - 11/11/2009 06:42:16 AM 533 Views
And without a structure, how much damage can any individual do? - 11/11/2009 08:40:53 AM 553 Views
I must say... - 11/11/2009 06:00:18 AM 698 Views
Cannoli is the Perez Hilton of WoT. Pretty obvious. - 11/11/2009 06:11:45 AM 677 Views
You're being absurd! - 11/11/2009 07:44:06 AM 866 Views
Rhuidean? - 11/11/2009 08:05:43 AM 567 Views
Re: Rhuidean? - 11/11/2009 08:42:37 AM 606 Views
I think that Cannoli is the Man, but... - 13/11/2009 02:30:03 PM 504 Views
If I recall correctly- those were the last of the 'true' Aes Sedai. - 11/11/2009 06:02:38 PM 595 Views
Actually the BWB or RJ said no AoL Aes Sedai survived the Breaking. - 12/11/2009 02:32:36 AM 542 Views
The Aes Sedai in Rhuidean may have been an exception - 12/11/2009 04:15:32 AM 501 Views
Also, "The Breaking" lasted a long time - 12/11/2009 07:16:57 AM 487 Views
Technically, the Breaking ended when the last Male AS died, so female AS could survive past it *NM* - 12/11/2009 03:42:01 PM 221 Views
Yes, but they did not. *NM* - 13/11/2009 03:50:18 PM 241 Views
The thing is ... - 11/11/2009 06:05:58 AM 633 Views
Agree and Disagree - 11/11/2009 06:30:54 AM 502 Views
We can hope... but I honestly don't see it happening. It's complicated. - 11/11/2009 06:47:27 AM 638 Views
You might be right but... - 11/11/2009 07:08:19 AM 544 Views
Re: You might be right but... - 12/11/2009 06:37:48 PM 502 Views
You answered your own question - 11/11/2009 06:32:17 AM 519 Views
It wouldn's work in the westlands - 11/11/2009 01:13:54 PM 514 Views
Anyone passing the Accepted Test must believe in a WT supremacy, - 11/11/2009 01:45:25 PM 517 Views

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