Active Users:1068 Time:11/03/2025 07:28:45 PM
We can hope... but I honestly don't see it happening. It's complicated. beetnemesis Send a noteboard - 11/11/2009 06:47:27 AM
tl; dr- Character development happens slowly in WoT, and there have been no signs, external or internal, of her changing in the direction you suggest.

Egwene... I'm trying to think of a term for her.

It's not Mary Sue- she's been shown to act wrongly, or immaturely, or judgmentally.

But... RJ's tone never passes judgment on her for this. It's always kind of a, "She means well, and has a good heart, and look at her go! She's full of vim and vigor!"

Like... she adopted Aiel ways. This was a little ridiculous to me, but its treated like Egwene is the most honorable person ever because of it. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but RJ treated it as if there was no way that this was a bad decision.

It had the feel of "Egwene is slowly but surely becoming more mature and wise." Not that I think she DID, but that's what the tone of the book is.

So, to link this with my original point (which I hope I haven't lost...), Egwene's story arc has been all about changes to the Tower, and reunification of the rebels and Tower Aes Sedai. She's learned how to rule.

Now, Egwene has all these... attitudes and ideas about what the White Tower should do in its relationships with other channelers, the Dragon Reborn, and the world in general. They all- all!- operate on the assumption that the White Tower is good, and wise, and knows what's best for everyone.

There has been no indication that the author thinks she is wrong. No foreshadowing, no serious objections from other characters, nothing. And that's just not how it works in WoT.

People would talk about how Rand had to accept who he was, or how he had to remember to laugh and cry again.

There was stuff with Perrin accepting that his wife would be in danger, and being a lord, and the hammer-axe decision. Mat's coming to terms with destiny, and being a leader of men. Moiraine learning to relax and advise Rand, instead of trying to control him. Even Siuan becoming used to giving up her authority and obeying Egwene was a character arc!

Do you see what I'm trying to say? Character development in WoT does not happen abruptly. There are multiples stimuli, parallels, conversations, interior monologues, the works!

And Egwene has had nothing- nothing!- saying that, "Hey, maybe Aes Sedai aren't as great as you think." On the contrary, the general trend in the last few books has been "Rand needs to make a concordance with the Aes Sedai, for they can be a powerful asset."

RJ invested himself heavily in Egwene...according to BS she is the easiest to write because RJ left the most notes concerning her. RJ wanted her to be sympathetic.


I agree that for the purposes of the Last Battle the WT must be unified, it's too late to start at square one, but I think that Egwene will learn the lesson that the Aes Sedai must be servants of all, not the heroic saviors of a world of fools.

Her immature boasts that the AS are 'all the world has' and that Rand can not be advised by anyone else will be corrected by reality SOON.

SHE WILL LEARN THIS LESSON, and be heroic before the end, just as Rand has learned the folly of going it alone.
I amuse myself.
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/Miscellaneous: A better ending to the Tower struggle? - 11/11/2009 03:30:40 AM 1393 Views
Re: /Miscellaneous: A better ending to the Tower struggle? - 11/11/2009 04:00:00 AM 597 Views
Personal aside re: Egwene - 11/11/2009 04:08:46 AM 774 Views
Re: Personal aside re: Egwene - 11/11/2009 04:29:58 AM 600 Views
Nuclear weapons were only deployed when ONE country had them. Never since. - 11/11/2009 06:15:23 AM 599 Views
This is a ridiculously idealistic viewpoint... - 11/11/2009 06:31:14 AM 713 Views
Re: This is a ridiculously idealistic viewpoint... - 11/11/2009 08:35:07 AM 618 Views
The World is messy - 11/11/2009 06:42:16 AM 533 Views
And without a structure, how much damage can any individual do? - 11/11/2009 08:40:53 AM 553 Views
I must say... - 11/11/2009 06:00:18 AM 698 Views
Cannoli is the Perez Hilton of WoT. Pretty obvious. - 11/11/2009 06:11:45 AM 677 Views
You're being absurd! - 11/11/2009 07:44:06 AM 866 Views
Rhuidean? - 11/11/2009 08:05:43 AM 567 Views
Re: Rhuidean? - 11/11/2009 08:42:37 AM 606 Views
I think that Cannoli is the Man, but... - 13/11/2009 02:30:03 PM 504 Views
If I recall correctly- those were the last of the 'true' Aes Sedai. - 11/11/2009 06:02:38 PM 595 Views
Actually the BWB or RJ said no AoL Aes Sedai survived the Breaking. - 12/11/2009 02:32:36 AM 542 Views
The Aes Sedai in Rhuidean may have been an exception - 12/11/2009 04:15:32 AM 501 Views
Also, "The Breaking" lasted a long time - 12/11/2009 07:16:57 AM 487 Views
Technically, the Breaking ended when the last Male AS died, so female AS could survive past it *NM* - 12/11/2009 03:42:01 PM 221 Views
Yes, but they did not. *NM* - 13/11/2009 03:50:18 PM 241 Views
The thing is ... - 11/11/2009 06:05:58 AM 633 Views
Agree and Disagree - 11/11/2009 06:30:54 AM 502 Views
We can hope... but I honestly don't see it happening. It's complicated. - 11/11/2009 06:47:27 AM 639 Views
You might be right but... - 11/11/2009 07:08:19 AM 544 Views
Re: You might be right but... - 12/11/2009 06:37:48 PM 502 Views
You answered your own question - 11/11/2009 06:32:17 AM 519 Views
It wouldn's work in the westlands - 11/11/2009 01:13:54 PM 514 Views
Anyone passing the Accepted Test must believe in a WT supremacy, - 11/11/2009 01:45:25 PM 517 Views

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