That "mistake" is in character for Egwene. You have the dream ter'angreal wrong, BTW.
Cannoli Send a noteboard - 10/11/2009 01:24:14 AM
Regarding the sa'angreal issue, Egwene al'Vere does not share power. She is kind of ego-centric, so letting someone else have the rod to increase the power of the circle is probably not as important to her as having the rush herself.
And of course, there is always the VERY strong possibility of a mistake on Sanderson's part. The book is rife with them, from misprints such as Rand putting his head in his handS, to uncharacteristic dialogue, to various continuity errors, to such egregious flaws as Bael making a reference to "the Waste."
As for the Elayne thing, it is later stated that her issues with the dream ter'angreal has nothing to do with channeling! RtDB. In KoD, she gives the stone ring (NON-channeling) to Aviendha when the latter leaves Caemlyn, saying it was useless to her since she became pregnant. She CAN use the dream ter'angreal that require channeling, when she can manage to touch the Source. It is NEVER stated that the failure of the stone ring to work for her is attributable to her channeling difficulties. It is IN SPITE of her channeling problems that she keeps the sleepweaver which requires channeling and gives up the non-channeling stone ring to Aviendha.
And of course, there is always the VERY strong possibility of a mistake on Sanderson's part. The book is rife with them, from misprints such as Rand putting his head in his handS, to uncharacteristic dialogue, to various continuity errors, to such egregious flaws as Bael making a reference to "the Waste."

As for the Elayne thing, it is later stated that her issues with the dream ter'angreal has nothing to do with channeling! RtDB. In KoD, she gives the stone ring (NON-channeling) to Aviendha when the latter leaves Caemlyn, saying it was useless to her since she became pregnant. She CAN use the dream ter'angreal that require channeling, when she can manage to touch the Source. It is NEVER stated that the failure of the stone ring to work for her is attributable to her channeling difficulties. It is IN SPITE of her channeling problems that she keeps the sleepweaver which requires channeling and gives up the non-channeling stone ring to Aviendha.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
Egwene and Vora's sa'angreal (some very minor spoilers)
09/11/2009 09:09:18 PM
Interesting point
09/11/2009 09:25:53 PM
Maybe that's the greater difference between angreal and sa'angreal *NM*
09/11/2009 09:35:33 PM
I think sa'angreal are so powerful that even with a marginal Circle, it created an awesome reservoir
09/11/2009 10:02:14 PM
That does not necessarily prove the novices are affected - they can sense the amount of the Power
10/11/2009 01:04:10 AM
This occurs because it is a sa'angreal
10/11/2009 05:13:01 PM
Thank you. Your explanation is also coroborated by events at the Bowl of the Wind
10/11/2009 05:56:59 PM
That "mistake" is in character for Egwene. You have the dream ter'angreal wrong, BTW.
10/11/2009 01:24:14 AM
10/11/2009 07:21:21 AM
I thought only one sa/angreal can be used by a channeler at a time, so no double dipping *NM*
10/11/2009 02:20:54 PM
Re: I thought only one sa/angreal can be used by a channeler at a time, so no double dipping
10/11/2009 04:53:44 PM
technically, it is an angreal and a ter'angreal, so not two sa/angreal *NM*
10/11/2009 09:32:20 PM
Re: Egwene and Vora's sa'angreal (some very minor spoilers)
10/11/2009 01:44:46 AM
Novices are likely to overdraw if given such a fount of power. *NM*
25/11/2009 08:35:10 AM