Loved the book, one of the best but one thing really bugged me and that was the above topic, i hate when the rules change like when one moment the ring dream ter'angeral could be used by anyone allowing Siuan and Liane into the world of dreams when they were stilled and then you had Elayne jumping up and down on it cos she could not get it to work cos she could not embrace the source. Well i think Egwene and vora's sa'angreal is another moment when the basic rules were broken. What i mean is she could barely embrace the source,never mind channel! So really she could never ever be able to magnify that little trickle of the power to do much at all, by linking the power through Nicole and the other novices, that power does not increase or should not, its just the user of the angreal/sa'angreal that's power gets magnified, and no matter what or how strong vora's sa'agnreal was,it should not have made much of a difference at that time. Would she not have been better off giving the sa'angreal to nicola or one of the others who had better strength. before anyone says she was magnifying the strength of the linked circle well in the past that's not how it worked, or led the reader to believe it worked, just look at the bowl of the winds and giving angrel to the strongest channellers in the circle..not to the person who controls the circle! anyway, thoughts on this, am i right or am i wrong??
This is the first time I've seen the leader of a circle using an angreal or sa'angreal AND commenting on it. Egwene can barely channel because of the forkroot, but with the novices linked with her she says she's almost as strong as she normally is. When she picks up Vora's sa'angreal she says that she's holding a huge amount of saidar, and it causes the novices to gasp. It seems that Egwene amplified the combined force of the circle while it was entering her, so that she became enormously powerful. Before this I would have thought it would only amplify her own small ability, but it seems it did not. With the sa'angreal she said it would take a whole circle to shield her, so it wasn't a bad choice.
Wheel of Time board admin
Fan of Lanfear
Fan of Lanfear
Egwene and Vora's sa'angreal (some very minor spoilers)
09/11/2009 09:09:18 PM
Interesting point
09/11/2009 09:25:53 PM
Maybe that's the greater difference between angreal and sa'angreal *NM*
09/11/2009 09:35:33 PM
I think sa'angreal are so powerful that even with a marginal Circle, it created an awesome reservoir
09/11/2009 10:02:14 PM
That does not necessarily prove the novices are affected - they can sense the amount of the Power
10/11/2009 01:04:10 AM
This occurs because it is a sa'angreal
10/11/2009 05:13:01 PM
Thank you. Your explanation is also coroborated by events at the Bowl of the Wind
10/11/2009 05:56:59 PM
That "mistake" is in character for Egwene. You have the dream ter'angreal wrong, BTW.
10/11/2009 01:24:14 AM
10/11/2009 07:21:21 AM
I thought only one sa/angreal can be used by a channeler at a time, so no double dipping *NM*
10/11/2009 02:20:54 PM
Re: I thought only one sa/angreal can be used by a channeler at a time, so no double dipping
10/11/2009 04:53:44 PM
technically, it is an angreal and a ter'angreal, so not two sa/angreal *NM*
10/11/2009 09:32:20 PM
Re: Egwene and Vora's sa'angreal (some very minor spoilers)
10/11/2009 01:44:46 AM
Novices are likely to overdraw if given such a fount of power. *NM*
25/11/2009 08:35:10 AM