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Do you think, that channeling is cool? - Edit 1

Before modification by Curie at 08/11/2009 08:10:55 PM

The Three become 0ne simply mean two female and one male channeler needed to use Callendor safely. Linking effectively transforms them into one single channeler, to the point that they can sense each other's emotions and so forth.

Min has nothing to do with it.

Why do you think that channeling is important in remaking prison of DO?

1.Rand with time is having more and more problems with access to saidin.

2.Moridin wants him to use balefire. Do you propose that Rand should follow wishes of champion of DO?

3.Rand destroyed male Chodean Kal being afraid of it.

4.Callandor is used by Narishma, not by Rand. Egwene saw Narishma, not Rand, with Callandor in one of her dreams.

5.Rand has a new sword Justice, mentioned in prophecies, to play with. He can use it instead of Callandor. Probably Justice was mentioned in a prophecy disscused by Min.

6. Channeling One Power near DO is not allowed by DO. Thrue Power can quench One Power.

7. Robert Jordan was never obvious with premonitions. If Min said, that blade of light means Callandor, and, of course she is wrong.

All of it suggest, that chaneling is a dead end against DO.

By the way, I never liked manslaughter at Dumani Wells, but I know that for many it was cool event.

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