OK - a bit of a mixed bag here, but first post here since wotmania so forgive me.
So we now know that Rand has access to the True Power - what do you think is the significance of it? I'm thinking something along the lines of:
1. True Power could be used to replace Saidin as the power that "touched the dark one" when sealing him back up.

So we now know that Rand has access to the True Power - what do you think is the significance of it? I'm thinking something along the lines of:
1. True Power could be used to replace Saidin as the power that "touched the dark one" when sealing him back up.
That's what I think, too. It's the only way to avoid re-tainting the Source. Rands question to LTT about whether the Taint was caused by the absence of women misses the point. If the women had been involved it simply would've tainted both halves of the One Power.
2. True Power could be used to kill the Dark One altogether as Rand seems to be considering more in this book.
I tend to agree here as well, even though I don't think the DO can be killed and existence preserved. It looks like in Jordans world the Creator needs the DO in much the way saidin needs saidar. After I read that section, however, I found myself thinking that if the One Power is that of the Creator and the True Power is that of the DO, and if the two are coeval, then the total strength of the Creator is just equal to that of the DO--but they're combined strength is twice as great. Using both in concert might be able to destroy him--if Rand can find a way to channel the True Power and the One Power at the same time.
I doubt that's how things will go though. My suspicion is Jordan's just setting up for lots of nastiness now that Rand is evidently linked to the DO himself via the TP. I can't help wondering what will result from that if he forms a circle with other channelers. What's odd, and says something about how closely Ishy and Rand are linked, is that you can't channel the TP without the DOs permission, and he definitely never gave that to Rand.
3. It's just there to show how close Rand was getting to the Dark One himself. i.e. more like Moridin every day.
No, here I disagree. I don't think they're all that close at all, Rand's just linked to Ishy now, and the two of them are becoming very close in many ways. Given that, no surprise Rand's developing an affinity for the DO in some ways, too, but the real link is with Ishy.
Also - during Rand's epiphany when he's questioning why he's fighting, he comes onto the subject of love, and how he's doing this all again to have a second chance. He mentions that "she might have been reborn". which i took to mean Ilyena. What do you think the significance of this is? Could it go back to the old theory that Ilyena was reborn into three bodies (i.e. Avi, Elayne and Min?). Or just musing on Rand's part?
Maybe, but I doubt it. That basically means souls can be split and recombined into other souls, and that doesn't track for me. Doesn't square with most views of transmigration, and blows the concept of "The Dragon Reborn" into tiny shards. No, if anything I'd say Elayne is Ilyena Sunhair Reborn. However, the fact LTT has never shown any recognition of that makes it dubious.
and now that the Choedan Kal is gone, the importance of the chapter where Min and Caddy are talking about the Callandor are more clear. But Rand's clearly going to need that kind of power in the battle with the dark one - why destroy the Choedan Kal? Was it just Rand's way to showing that he shouldn't have that kind of power so readily available? Or do you think there was some other significance?
No, I think that's exactly what it is. In any but a fictional setting it would be monumentally stupid, but since Jordan's writing the plot Rand didn't just kiss off any hope of victory.
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LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.
Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
True Power, Ilyena, and significance of the Choedan Kal
30/10/2009 02:57:09 PM
I agree with you
30/10/2009 03:24:22 PM
don't forget you can't touch the true power without the DO's permission
30/10/2009 03:31:25 PM
I think he will overlook it
30/10/2009 03:46:25 PM
It also might be that Rand used Moridin as a conduit, making the DO's permission irrelevant.
30/10/2009 03:58:04 PM
Indeed... Moridin is definitely worried about the connection
30/10/2009 03:59:59 PM
30/10/2009 04:06:26 PM
i agree it was def in the DO's best interests to give it to rand THEN, just not when....
30/10/2009 05:57:03 PM
Seems to me destroying the DO with balefire would take a force equal to his.
06/11/2009 09:57:47 AM
I think the TP IS the DO - sealing the Bore with it is illogical and impossible.
27/11/2009 12:13:29 AM
Re: True Power, Ilyena, and significance of the Choedan Kal
30/10/2009 03:28:06 PM
Re: True Power, Ilyena, and significance of the Choedan Kal
30/10/2009 03:36:00 PM
Re: True Power, Ilyena, and significance of the Choedan Kal
30/10/2009 09:48:46 PM
Hello! The TP can only be used with permission!
30/10/2009 10:45:58 PM
31/10/2009 05:18:03 AM
I'm sorry that's wrong...
31/10/2009 08:58:14 AM
Believe what you want
31/10/2009 09:08:52 AM
The Foresaken had their permission revoked, but the DO can enact consequences on them...
29/04/2010 04:35:27 AM
Generally agree.
06/11/2009 09:07:57 AM