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Egwene could even use the same loophole.. Moridin_2000 Send a noteboard - 05/11/2009 07:14:30 PM
..that allowed her to become Amyrlin. Perhaps there is no specification for the MoN to be Aes Sedai, simply a woman of the Amyrlin's appointment. Egwene has broken precedent by not taking the actual test for Aes Sedai herself but swearing the Oaths directly, so we might also see this happen again, although nearly all AS would agree that Egwene certainly passes any test that they could set for her.

But I still hold reservations on Sharina becoming MoN herself, even though she has the experience of her years and her skill demonstrated among the rebels. There would be resistance to that decision from the Hall and the Tower Aes Sedi, even among the rebels. Perhaps the route will be that no one woman will be responsible for all the novices and the accepted since there are now so many of them.

Oh, there might also be room for Darkfriends among the thousand novices that Egwene has among the rebels. I assume they escaped testing. On a similar note, when are the Kin arriving?
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Black Sisters not mentioned specifically... - 05/11/2009 06:26:29 PM 1154 Views
Re: Black Sisters not mentioned specifically... - 05/11/2009 06:43:34 PM 824 Views
I agree - new MoN will be Sharina *NM* - 05/11/2009 06:58:30 PM 280 Views
Egwene could even use the same loophole.. - 05/11/2009 07:14:30 PM 746 Views
Plus, Sharina is big on the heirarchy as well - 05/11/2009 08:42:12 PM 624 Views
How can it be Sharina? - 06/11/2009 04:22:23 PM 606 Views
I wouldn't rule it out... - 06/11/2009 05:15:15 PM 575 Views
Re: Black Sisters not mentioned specifically... - 06/11/2009 04:13:19 PM 551 Views
Tiana was lame. I think Egwene fired her. *NM* - 05/11/2009 06:57:32 PM 248 Views
More BA evidence: Sheriam might have had a hand in her appointment - 05/11/2009 11:34:33 PM 649 Views
Does normally only the Amyrlin select the MoN? - 06/11/2009 11:31:05 AM 597 Views
Re: Does normally only the Amyrlin select the MoN? - 08/11/2009 04:37:45 PM 543 Views

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