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How many days/months till the Last Battle? Any thoughts? - Edit 1

Before modification by LlordNakcor at 06/11/2009 05:19:06 AM

I know in our world it's about two years.

But, how much time is left in Randland?

My first thought is months

1) Elayne is about 6 months preggers will she be there? Will she be still pregnant? Anyone have a more accurate time on when she's due?

2) Will Moraine be there? I think Matt will eventually open Verin's letter but will he wait only 10 days? He's got to get the Bell Founders started on the Dragon's as well as get the rest of ingredients gathered (and payed for). He's still got no Traveling in party (unless Joline or others were taught by Verin) and still needs a plan.

3) How many days till Lan is at Tarwin Gap? His gathering Army will slow him down some.

4) Still a lot of Forsaken to be dealt with if possible.

5) If Rand is to kneel before Fortuona on the Crystal Throne then both will have to travel to Seanchan or at least fetch the throne.

6) The Black Tower/Taim needs to be dealt with or it's gonna be hard to fight the DO while watching your back.

7) Food is failing so quickly the Army's will starve unless that's solved or Rand decides that the rest of the world's people must start a long hard fast.

My first guess is that it will be about 3 months but that would be 3 or 4 books unless the time in each book slows down.


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