Active Users:1243 Time:23/02/2025 07:37:03 PM
I forgot about that viewing Crackbrained Asha'man Send a noteboard - 03/11/2009 12:10:53 PM
This is a pretty minor theory, but it may provide a small clue to the whereabouts of Myrelle and companies party to the black tower. In TSR, Min had a viewing of 'an apple-cheeked Accepted' where "bars floated in front of her face like a cage."

The accepted in this viewing was never named, and until now, I don't think we have seen a specific instance of an accepted being imprisoned. Theodrin has been described as having a round apple-cheeked face at least once. Theodrin was also an Accepted at the time of Min's viewing, and there weren't tons of Accepted walking around in the WT then.

I believe Min's viewing may have had to do with Theodrin being imprisoned in the future. This would dovetail with her current expedition to the BT and the fact that she has not yet returned.

As Deadsy has already pointed out, Min also had a viewing about Faolain: "it does not seem fair that a nasty person should have good things coming." From this perspective, Myrelle, Nisao, Faolain, and Theodrin may not have suffered irreparable harm yet.

Unless her good thing was being raised to Aes Sedai, then Faolain at least will most likely be rescued from her current debacle.

*edit-- I had to revise this theory because I got Theodrin and Faolain confused. But I have it resolved now, and I double-checked the text to make sure it was Theodrin that was described as being apple-cheeked.*

At the end of KoD I thought Taim would let the Red sisters go and have them Bond Rands men just to piss off Rand and get them out of his hair. However this theory lends credance to the theory that they're all still alive and just held captive. The only reason I can think of for Darkfriends holding the Aes Sedia capative is they're waiting for the BA to show up with some Fades so they can turn them to the Shadow.

I'm not too sure how they're going to get rescued, but it may be the start of Logains 'glory' that Min talked about. We didn't see him in TGS afterall. And you'd think ToM would be about the BT and ToG.
While the wicked stand confounded call me, with thy saint surrounded
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Theodrin and a viewing that was about her and the black tower - 03/11/2009 08:23:49 AM 1791 Views
Re: A theory about Theodrin - 03/11/2009 10:03:53 AM 1506 Views
I forgot about that viewing - 03/11/2009 12:10:53 PM 1410 Views
This revelation confused me - 04/11/2009 12:46:12 AM 1138 Views
I agree, thanks for the reminder. - 04/11/2009 06:36:06 PM 594 Views

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