Active Users:471 Time:24/02/2025 09:21:47 PM
Well, it definitely is a wildcard theory - Edit 1

Before modification by Matrimony Cauthon at 03/11/2009 08:31:21 AM

I had forgotten that Semirhage had killed the Imperial family.

Someone over at dragonmount made a thread about how the Tower of Midnight was referenced twice in the Big White Book. It is apparently in one of the big Seanchan cities. It appears that we will see Seanchan in the next book. Based on that thought, I thought that maybe Demandred could have been there.

It isn't totally impossible... there is going to be struggle for the throne right now. The da'mane might not know who to follow.

Demandred could easily move his troops over in large quantities by having a black sister teach the da'mane gateways.

Actually, I don't think Demandred being there is impossible. The more I look at it, the more likely it becomes to me. I am definitely reaching here, because I am so bereft of good answers to figure out where Demandred actually is. But I wouldn't totally rule him being in Seanchan.

Semirhage helped with the Return, but it appears that there is another Forsaken at work on the continent of Seanchan. Who else caused the anarchy there?

Semirhage did. She massacred the entire Imperial Family and left a sudden void in leadership that led to a nationwide war of succession.

Seanchan makes a lot more sense than Murandy or the Borderlands, especially due to their army of da'mane. That would have been very tempting to a Forsaken.

Indeed it would be, except there are too many problems. Firstly, getting to the mainland with any reasonable army will be very difficult from Seanchan - it is thousands of miles away. Demandred cannot Travel there with them, because unless the entire army are darkfriends, they'd destroy him on the spot. Secondly, they'd obey Fortuona without question when they encountered her, making his whole army useless.

There is something very unusual about Demandred because we've accounted for most of the armies on the mainland, and even if he's hiding in some small borderland country, his army would never be very big. Graendal has personally been to Shara and it's unlikely she would have missed his influence there. One possibility is that he has control of the Aiel who did not follow Rand and who remained in the Waste - which is a huge force.

My original idea was always that he was going to lead the Blight, but it seems that Moridin is doing that. Moridin's also in charge of the Black Tower it seems.

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