- Oh, and no way is Graendal dead.
What makes you think so? I figure she's done for. Nevertheless, that scene was epic, and really showed Rand's change. Just without hesitation, wipes an entire palace from the Pattern.
- Egwene's plot line was solid on the whole. The highlight of it being the dinner with Elaida and the Sitters. That bit was badass. It kinda unravelled a bit towards the end, and I think she started getting a bit ooc as the Tower united.
The dinner part felt good, but I feel like if it was RJ, it would've been handled smoother; I really didn't like the (at points) blatant pandering to the Sitters, though maybe that was more Egwene than BS.
- Gawyn! It's about time we had lots and lots of Gawyn. More!
Meh. I liked him, but didn't really need him.
- Siuan and Gareth hooking up was also of the awesome, except the outcome of Min's viewing was somewhat awkwardly written.
Yea, I don't like how they kinda shoved that in there. "Oh, hey I remember Min had a viewing about this." :/
- I cried at Verin's death. Stunning. She truly kicked ass.
- Mat... Written differently but not necessarily badly. The only misstep to me was the repeated anxiety about Tuon. The rest of it was fine, especially the banter with Talmanes. I'll happily ignore Talmanes's complete character shift when it produces so many giggles.
Talmanes was VERY enjoyable. Glad to know I'm not the only one who never remembered him like that before. Though the incessant mentioning of the twinkle/spark is a bit much.
- Hinterstrap. Kind of a waste of pages. Yawn.
Showed that the DO is really wreaking havoc on the Pattern, I guess.
- Best book in ages. No Elayne. Coninkydinky? I thinks not.
Elayne would've had no purpose in this book. Would've just been pages of "Damn that Rand al'Thor for sleeping with me after I asked him to take off my dress!"
- Although I did wanna see something between Taim and Logain. Hurry up with that plot line, dammit!
Not a speck of Black Tower in this book, actually. Or did Logain show up once? Ah, regardless, I want more Taim. This conflict needs to come to a head.
- My main criticism with the book is the chronology. The difference in time between Rand's plot and Mat's plot just felt awkward. Yeah, it's not the first time WoT's jumped around the timeline (CoT comes to mind), but it's the first time it was quite so conspicuously obvious. Especially when they kept jumping back and forth between the two.
Bothered me a lot too.
Also, Rand REALLY had me scared near the end there. I thought for sure he was going to explode, and I was honestly worried.
At last, I have an apostrophe!
Foil fencers Dance the Spears. Or, at least, the foils.
Too stubborn to remove that extraneous *MySmiley*
~The Decapitator~
Foil fencers Dance the Spears. Or, at least, the foils.
Too stubborn to remove that extraneous *MySmiley*
~The Decapitator~
Ok, time for my tri-annual WoT board visit
01/11/2009 06:44:48 PM
Gawyn!?! Gawyn?!? Really?!?!
01/11/2009 08:52:00 PM
I disagree
02/11/2009 12:14:51 AM
Really? Not like a hero in a fantasy series?
02/11/2009 02:32:34 AM
Mostly agreement.
02/11/2009 01:09:49 AM
I really liked Nynaeve's writing in tGS. I think she's the most well-balanced character in WoT.
02/11/2009 02:26:38 AM
If the world ends in 2012 BEFORE WoT is finished, I'm gonna be seriously PO'd. *NM*
02/11/2009 02:47:45 AM