I have a number of thoughts that I haven't heard on this board. Many of these should probably be there own posts, but I don't want to swamp the board.
1. Nobody has talked about Perrin and Faile other then a few complaints. But it was quite good. I really liked the fact the Perrin, FINALLY, realizes that he has to change and that he is going to work on it. The ending of his section and his resolve to not be so violent, be able to let Faile go into danger, and to become a better leader, is a miniature version of Rand's conversion. Faile and Maseema was quite good as was her ritual honoring the brotherless. Suffice it to say, I like both Perrin and Faile a lot better after tGS and were glad this section was included.
2. People mention about Mat's section being off, but it doesn't affect me one way or the other. BS is, if I recall correctly, a fan of Mat. I wonder if that hurt him being able to write him. An unbiased attitude is needed to write any character.
3. Elayne wasn't in the book. But she was mentioned ALOT. Her name and/or titles were mentioned more then many characters that were in the book. Aviendha's hero worshiping of Elayne bothered me. But, for the most part, I was pleasantly surprised since I am a big fan of Elayne.
4. Another person that was mentioned a lot was Moiraine. Everybody it seems wants her back.
5. I like Cadsuane, but I have been waiting for someone to stand up to her. I was shocked and excited to see Tam do it. I also thought it really neat that Cadsuane stuck up for Min versus Beldeine. An AS telling another AS to apologize to a non-AS.
6. What's up with the ghost precession that Nynaeve saw. I have a feeling there is an explanation for this.
7. The chance of Rand's new sword being Justice has went down since Min mentions that it was found underwater. Also Rand mentions that it is power wrought. My guess is that the sword belongs to one of the Heroes of the Horn besides Hawkwing.
8. If I was Mesaana and I wanted to fool the oath rod then I would simply wear some thick gloves and use an illusion to make people think they see me touching the rod.
9. I have to wonder if the Oath Rod as a whole did not help the BA out a lot more then it helped out the WT. (At least until it hurt them at the end.)
10. I would really like to find out how Verin detected so many of the BA. None of the other BA seemed to have been able to get near to duplicating that feat despite having a motivation to do so. Perhaps we can get a clue in WH when Verin talks with Cadsuane and becomes convinced that Cadsuane was trustworthy. I saw nothing. Perhaps some more eyes on it might find something.
11. Speaking of Verin. I wonder how much of the shadow's knowledge of Rand has come from her. My guess is that she was forced to do some pretty awful things.
12. Speaking of Verin again. Will we see her other letters come into play? We might even see her in ToM the way that the plot is jumping around the timeline.
13. The most irritating feature of tGS was the way it jumped around. There were at least a half a dozen times when I was looking forward to the current plot continuing and it jumps (for apparently no reason) to another section. The most irritating example of this for me was when Mat meets Verin. Then it jumps to a few other PoV before returning. WHY? It wasn't as if a day or two passed in the meantime. We are talking minutes.
14. What's up with Laras? Verin mentions that Laras is MANY things. My first thought long ago was that she was Mesaana. It seems very unlikely, though, since she is too much of a character for someone to take over without it being obvious. My best guess is that Laras is an agent for the Kin.
15. Either Sorilea or Bair is a DF. They are the only ones who saw how Cadsuane opened the box. I suppose that SH could have done it. On the other hand, Semirhage's guards were dealt with when SH was in the room with Semirhage (Moridin using TP perhaps, there were no residues.)
I have a lot more, but this will do for now.
*edited to add 15*
1. Nobody has talked about Perrin and Faile other then a few complaints. But it was quite good. I really liked the fact the Perrin, FINALLY, realizes that he has to change and that he is going to work on it. The ending of his section and his resolve to not be so violent, be able to let Faile go into danger, and to become a better leader, is a miniature version of Rand's conversion. Faile and Maseema was quite good as was her ritual honoring the brotherless. Suffice it to say, I like both Perrin and Faile a lot better after tGS and were glad this section was included.
2. People mention about Mat's section being off, but it doesn't affect me one way or the other. BS is, if I recall correctly, a fan of Mat. I wonder if that hurt him being able to write him. An unbiased attitude is needed to write any character.
3. Elayne wasn't in the book. But she was mentioned ALOT. Her name and/or titles were mentioned more then many characters that were in the book. Aviendha's hero worshiping of Elayne bothered me. But, for the most part, I was pleasantly surprised since I am a big fan of Elayne.
4. Another person that was mentioned a lot was Moiraine. Everybody it seems wants her back.
5. I like Cadsuane, but I have been waiting for someone to stand up to her. I was shocked and excited to see Tam do it. I also thought it really neat that Cadsuane stuck up for Min versus Beldeine. An AS telling another AS to apologize to a non-AS.
6. What's up with the ghost precession that Nynaeve saw. I have a feeling there is an explanation for this.
7. The chance of Rand's new sword being Justice has went down since Min mentions that it was found underwater. Also Rand mentions that it is power wrought. My guess is that the sword belongs to one of the Heroes of the Horn besides Hawkwing.
8. If I was Mesaana and I wanted to fool the oath rod then I would simply wear some thick gloves and use an illusion to make people think they see me touching the rod.
9. I have to wonder if the Oath Rod as a whole did not help the BA out a lot more then it helped out the WT. (At least until it hurt them at the end.)
10. I would really like to find out how Verin detected so many of the BA. None of the other BA seemed to have been able to get near to duplicating that feat despite having a motivation to do so. Perhaps we can get a clue in WH when Verin talks with Cadsuane and becomes convinced that Cadsuane was trustworthy. I saw nothing. Perhaps some more eyes on it might find something.
11. Speaking of Verin. I wonder how much of the shadow's knowledge of Rand has come from her. My guess is that she was forced to do some pretty awful things.
12. Speaking of Verin again. Will we see her other letters come into play? We might even see her in ToM the way that the plot is jumping around the timeline.
13. The most irritating feature of tGS was the way it jumped around. There were at least a half a dozen times when I was looking forward to the current plot continuing and it jumps (for apparently no reason) to another section. The most irritating example of this for me was when Mat meets Verin. Then it jumps to a few other PoV before returning. WHY? It wasn't as if a day or two passed in the meantime. We are talking minutes.
14. What's up with Laras? Verin mentions that Laras is MANY things. My first thought long ago was that she was Mesaana. It seems very unlikely, though, since she is too much of a character for someone to take over without it being obvious. My best guess is that Laras is an agent for the Kin.
15. Either Sorilea or Bair is a DF. They are the only ones who saw how Cadsuane opened the box. I suppose that SH could have done it. On the other hand, Semirhage's guards were dealt with when SH was in the room with Semirhage (Moridin using TP perhaps, there were no residues.)
I have a lot more, but this will do for now.
*edited to add 15*
This message last edited by RabidWombat on 01/11/2009 at 03:25:01 AM
A mixture of thoughts about tGS
01/11/2009 02:55:27 AM
Re: A mixture of thoughts about tGS
01/11/2009 04:13:28 AM
Besides, Sorilea is fairly weak in the OP. Would she be able to undo the wards?
01/11/2009 06:58:31 AM
Surprising myself, I missed Elayne. And even more surprising, I actually liked Mat this time.
01/11/2009 05:15:20 AM
Re: #2, #5, #6, #10, #14, and a good answer about Verin's letter to Mat (#12)
25/02/2010 11:32:53 PM