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Re: True Power, Ilyena, and significance of the Choedan Kal LoialT Send a noteboard - 30/10/2009 09:48:46 PM
Yes there were some 200 or so BA, now down to 150, and there may be a more even split among Asha'man, so let's say max of 500 AM for the shadow (we're up to 650 total). Maybe Mesaanna will pull out some Novices or something, but they (1500+) seem to be pretty solidly behind Egwene and her 700 or so channelers, not counting the Kin. Then Rand has like 500 AM, tons of windfinders and Damane and Wise Ones, and ALL the known angreal and sa'angreal unless Graendal managed to survive and keep hers. Plus, the Light actually uses circles and cooperates. I think, at least right now, but I am sure that someone else has done a better compilation that the Light has well over a 1000 channeler advantage in addition to all the other strengths of angreal and circles and discipline. The Ayyad are the biggest unkown, and they could definitely tip the difference. They may have been under Ishy's influence for some time, who knows?

Basically, the shadow is shown to be strongest where there are the weakest personalities and fewest checks on any kind of power (the Aes Sedai and the Asha'man). The Aiel, the Sea Folk, and the Seanchan all seem to have FAR fewer darkfriends as their senses of honor and obligation are much more deeply and broadly ingrained.

I personally think that the Forsaken are mostly a sideshow to the real power of the DO, Shadar Haran, Moridin, and the hordes of shadowspawn. So it may not matter overly much that the Light has any advantage in channelers. We'll see though.
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True Power, Ilyena, and significance of the Choedan Kal - 30/10/2009 02:57:09 PM 2868 Views
Re: True Power, Ilyena, and significance of the Choedan Kal - 30/10/2009 03:05:52 PM 1059 Views
I agree with you - 30/10/2009 03:24:22 PM 1178 Views
don't forget you can't touch the true power without the DO's permission - 30/10/2009 03:31:25 PM 991 Views
I think he will overlook it - 30/10/2009 03:46:25 PM 994 Views
It also might be that Rand used Moridin as a conduit, making the DO's permission irrelevant. - 30/10/2009 03:58:04 PM 946 Views
Indeed... Moridin is definitely worried about the connection - 30/10/2009 03:59:59 PM 1052 Views
Right - 30/10/2009 04:06:26 PM 1166 Views
Seems to me destroying the DO with balefire would take a force equal to his. - 06/11/2009 09:57:47 AM 792 Views
Re: True Power, Ilyena, and significance of the Choedan Kal - 30/10/2009 03:28:06 PM 2119 Views
Re: True Power, Ilyena, and significance of the Choedan Kal - 30/10/2009 03:36:00 PM 1110 Views
Re: True Power, Ilyena, and significance of the Choedan Kal - 30/10/2009 09:48:46 PM 926 Views
where'd you get the number of Rand's Asha'man? - 30/10/2009 10:12:00 PM 804 Views
Re: where'd you get the number of Rand's Asha'man? - 31/10/2009 12:28:48 AM 808 Views
I must be confused then - 30/10/2009 06:11:38 PM 896 Views
No... you're right. - 30/10/2009 07:02:05 PM 861 Views
Hello! The TP can only be used with permission! - 30/10/2009 10:45:58 PM 937 Views
Nope - 31/10/2009 05:18:03 AM 1343 Views
I'm sorry that's wrong... - 31/10/2009 08:58:14 AM 865 Views
Believe what you want - 31/10/2009 09:08:52 AM 871 Views
No, he's right - 31/10/2009 04:59:34 PM 1008 Views
That's what I said *NM* - 31/10/2009 05:24:55 PM 411 Views
I don't need your permission for that... - 31/10/2009 09:57:34 PM 806 Views
Re: I don't need your permission for that... - 01/11/2009 06:54:20 AM 798 Views
You are incorrect - 27/12/2009 10:44:36 PM 794 Views
you're counting on the DO of being absent minded? - 17/04/2010 10:59:41 PM 754 Views
I think using the TP against the DO is wishful thinking. - 31/10/2009 04:33:33 PM 875 Views
Generally agree. - 06/11/2009 09:07:57 AM 909 Views

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