Active Users:1572 Time:26/01/2025 07:00:22 AM
Touched a nerve did I? - Edit 1

Before modification by Bookwyrm at 30/10/2009 07:23:00 PM

What HASN'T been handed to her on a platter? If she hadn't been associated with Rand, she'd not have left the Tower in tGH and would not have been chosen to hunt the Black Ajah or skip the years of training before being allow to test for Accepted. If not for those events, she'd NEVER have been chosen Amyrlin for another century or so, and would not have been Aes Sedai anytime soon. She was summoned and named Amyrlin. She did not put in any time or effort, she didn't even earn the shawl before she was given it with the Amyrlin seat, which was given to her not in appreciation of her virtues, but in recognition of her shortcomings. She was handed a blackmailed advisor to help her overcome her instincts that would have had her deposed or bound hand and foot to Romanda or Lelaine. She was handled a captive Forsaken to enable her to produce discoveries to impress the sisters. She had Verin show up and hand her a list of the Black Ajah, she had followers come into the Tower to rescue her when she was wiped out from the battle, and then the real Hall decides to name her Amyrlin because they can't stand one another. She has not contributed anything to anyone related to the cause of the fight against the Shadow, aside from the White Tower. Rand's advice that helped her figure out how to Travel was far more help than she ever gave him. Egwene has been handed EVERYTHING because she happens to know people with real power and accomplishments whose idea of loyalty and friendship is far stronger than her own.

You can easily blame those "platters" as results of things unravelling in the world so quickly as well as people manipulating her destiny . Yes, her association with Rand got her a fact ticket out of Novice whites into Accepted dresses, but you know what, she passed the test! She went through the rings just like every1 else and came back out whole and stronger. She learned weaves faster than any novice previously recruited. She was trained for a very short period of time before being tested for Accepted. And she was summoned to be the puppet Amyrlin, and she knew this. She turned it around on her manipulators however. She didn't earn her shawl or put in the time or effort? ROFL, I am now doubting you even read the books at all! Siuan herself trained her in history, politics, and shit. She was appointed Amyrlin as a clueless bumpkin, but she didn't fully become Amyrlin until she learned every law, history, and traditions of Aes Sedai. Even then it wasn't official because she was chosen by rebels and not enough official Sitters! She was handed a Forsaken to be taught secret weaves? You think Moghedien just rolled over for them? NO! Nynaeve captured her and rightly turned her over for questioning? Maidens, she sat with Wise Ones, and she was accepted as a bond-sister.

As for Verin appearing and handing her the list, WHO ELSE WAS SHE GOING TO HAND THE LIST TO. Wow, are you dense? You think Verin could trust anyone besides Egwene during that situation in the WT? The WT was at a crisis point where it could break. You think Verin could have stopped the Black Ajah by herself?

And you're blaming Egwene's rescue as a platter handed to her?!?!? Siuan and Gawyn were genuinely concerned and RIGHTLY went after her, against her orders mind you. Cheese and rice.

What about her time spent training with the Aiel. You think she could have endured her capture by the WT w/o it? She put blood, sweat and tears into her training. If the Aiel trust her and make here their own, then that says something about her character. She isn't loyal or

WHAT is handed to him on a platter? Money? So what? He has had to pay for everything. He got the Band because he saved their lives and proved his leadership by defeating Aiel in multiple engagements. Name a wetlander general who had done that before Mat. And his luck works mainly to force him into danger to get things done. The goodies that come along are just to balance having buildings dropped on his head, or the leader of the Shaido trying to carve a path through Mat's troops, or evil daggers giving him brain damage, or the Horn of Valere painting a massive target on his back. Additionally, Mat doesn't WANT power or glory (as he proved by blowing the Horn), whereas Egwene does.

He got the Band by rescuing them with knowledge and skills that he hasn't earned. You think Mat would have been able to lead the Band as successfully without the "gifts" he received from the Eelfinn and his ta'averen luck??!? HELL NO! The Pattern bends over for him and whoever is around him, so don't tell me he earns almost everything. Egwene doesn't have that luxury. Everything that has happened to her outside the vicinity of her ta'averen friends were coincidental or through her own choices and efforts or by the manipulation of others. Egwene had no real control over her own destiny until she has real political power.

Egwene wants power and glory? really? I never got that impression from her during her POVs. Her thoughts and actions clearly reveal her genuine concern for the WT, its habitants, and the welfare of her friends. Lets see what would happen without Egwene's efforts in restoring/leading the WT. Rand won't ally himself with the WT. The WT will be shattered by the Black Ajah.

Blow it out your ass. That is a stupid and reflexively thoughtless argument that proves you only don't

You know what, I did blow it out my ass, and into your ignorant thread/face. And let me tell you, it felt good. You insult me without provocation over a rant over a fictional character, revealing yourself a fool. Eat my ghost poop, and like it!

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