1.) I'm a little pissed at the Dragonmount review for leading me to believe that Mat would go to the ToG in this book, and that we'd find out who killed Asmo. He never said either, but he implied it.
2.) I enjoyed all of Egwene's chapters, but was frustrated with her hypocritical statements in the beginning. Mainly, her ire at Elaida proposing that sisters swear fealty to her, when she herself had already done so with a small sample. I also thought that her earlier chapters were written by RJ, but later found that I could no longer really tell for sure which was BS and which was RJ.
3.) Mat's character felt off to me at times, and to a lesser degree, so did Rand's. I just thought some of Mat's witticisms felt a bit... strained.
4.) I anticipated that we wouldn't see any Elayne, but I wish we'd have seen either more or less of Perrin. It's going to feel a little redundant if we revisit Perrin to witness things we already know will happen (encountering Galad, Morgase revealing her identity), but it will also feel incomplete if we don't. Either way it may seem a little awkward. \
5.) Towers of Midnight can't get here soon enough...
2.) I enjoyed all of Egwene's chapters, but was frustrated with her hypocritical statements in the beginning. Mainly, her ire at Elaida proposing that sisters swear fealty to her, when she herself had already done so with a small sample. I also thought that her earlier chapters were written by RJ, but later found that I could no longer really tell for sure which was BS and which was RJ.
3.) Mat's character felt off to me at times, and to a lesser degree, so did Rand's. I just thought some of Mat's witticisms felt a bit... strained.
4.) I anticipated that we wouldn't see any Elayne, but I wish we'd have seen either more or less of Perrin. It's going to feel a little redundant if we revisit Perrin to witness things we already know will happen (encountering Galad, Morgase revealing her identity), but it will also feel incomplete if we don't. Either way it may seem a little awkward. \
5.) Towers of Midnight can't get here soon enough...
I excel at three things: Drinkin' beer, eatin' large quantities of mexican food in one sitting, and sporclin'.
A couple of thoughts
29/10/2009 08:16:18 PM
Re: A couple of thoughts
29/10/2009 11:24:16 PM
Re: A couple of thoughts
29/10/2009 11:41:23 PM