but that doesn't mean it won't happen just so Rand can get an Alliance (once he has Mat & Perrin with him). Maybe Mat will find out in ToG about a game called Twister and say that they told him that Fortuona and Rand al'Thor must play it or the Dark One will destroy the world, and the first directions will be left knee on blue and right knee on yellow. (but then they'd be facing the same direction, so I dunno. I guess my plan is flawed)
Ishy was responsible for sending Hawking's son across the ocean, and for sure had something to do with their philosophy.
And yes I could see this new look Rand who did a complete make over on top of Dragonmount just being subservient for the time being so long as it gets the job done. Where as before Rand could make no concessions he could bend the knee knowing that he must make some sacrifices to win in the greater scheme of things. You never know him kneeling to Tuon could be what draws Egwene's ire and why she shows him her anger.
I have a feeling (and I've said this multiple time, so I probably sound like a broken record) that Mat being there will make the whole thing comical. He'll tell them to quit fooling around and to kill each other after the Last Battle. If Rand does end up kneeling to her, it will be some sort of weird fluke thing. Like he'll trip and fall or something. Mk, maybe not that.
Seanchan Prophecies Corrupted?
29/10/2009 05:36:44 AM
The only mention of corruption is about The Karaethon Cycle
29/10/2009 05:57:29 AM
So Seanchan Prophecies might still be Corrupted?
29/10/2009 06:30:15 AM
I still think that was Ishamael's doing
29/10/2009 06:33:12 AM
Of course it was Ishy he had his hand in
29/10/2009 06:44:00 AM
Re: Of course it was Ishy he had his hand in
29/10/2009 06:55:43 AM
Rand's blindness
29/10/2009 11:40:38 AM
The ending prophecy of tGS all but proves the truth of that... *NM*
31/10/2009 05:39:38 PM
Who cares?
29/10/2009 01:42:01 PM