Am I the only so desperate they've looked for a torrent of TGS?! - Edit 1
Before modification by ajfurst at 24/10/2009 04:43:45 AM
Having given in to reading all the spoilers, I'll admit as of yesterday I got exceedingly desperate and started searching various torrent sites for TGS (the audio book, as obviously it's a bit hard to share the hardback and the ebook won't be out till next year).
No luck
- I saw a few of the prologue and chapter 1. I bought the prologue and have/read heard chapters 1 and 2 from TOR's site. I managed to get over the weeks with the prologue, then chapters 1 and 2 to 'keep the cravings at bay', but now am on tenderhooks. I figure even finding a kindly person whose got the book and was willing to photograph/scan chapter 3 would get me through till it arrives, but minus that things like work, family and life in general aren't providing the fix I need.
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No luck