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An empty victory for the light Insomdeon Send a noteboard - 13/10/2009 09:58:08 AM
but from a reader perspective, I'm guessing most of our favorite characters will survive, so to us, it will be a blow out by the Light. We'll read that thousands of good guys die, but we won't know their names.

Aka, the un-important will die.
I'll be disappointed if at least one of the major / important minor characters doesn't die a FINAL death. For me that list is Rand, Mat, Perrin, Egwene, Elayne, Nynaeve, Faile, Aviendha, Min, Lan, Gawyn and Thom. They are either characters we've seen a lot of and are attached to in some way, or in the case of Gawyn, someone that's very important to Egwene.

A Magnificent Seven type finish - except only Rand, Mat and Perrin of all of the above ride off into the sunset would be brilliant - however I'd happily settle for some 'personal' deaths.

"The Great battle done but the world not done with battle."

It will be a victory for the light but with such widespread devestation it will seem like a defeat. Main charecters may well survive. Read Perrins reaction to the victory in Dumais Wells and multiply it out for the whole world.

Humanity will be on the brink of extinction and face a long build back to the heights f the age of legends.

That is if the wheel of time is not broken and humanity freed from it's hellish, purgatory and endless cycle of birth and rebirth.
"I think I got the black lung Pop" - Derek Zoolander
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Tarmon Gaidon prediction - what will be the score? - 13/10/2009 01:26:12 AM 999 Views
I'm calling a close victory for the light. - 13/10/2009 02:26:04 AM 552 Views
Re: I'm calling a close victory for the light. - 13/10/2009 10:43:56 AM 574 Views
Narrow victory for the light. Rand definitely gets the most kills - 13/10/2009 03:16:52 AM 646 Views
It'll be like in the LotR movies - 13/10/2009 01:14:44 PM 561 Views
! *NM* - 13/10/2009 02:29:56 PM 219 Views
yea haha *NM* - 16/10/2009 03:18:07 AM 262 Views
I think Rand will be busy with other stuff - 13/10/2009 05:59:09 PM 527 Views
It'll be close from a character perspective - 13/10/2009 05:52:33 AM 551 Views
Red-shirt slaughter! - 13/10/2009 08:28:50 AM 613 Views
An empty victory for the light - 13/10/2009 09:58:08 AM 590 Views
Re: Red-shirt slaughter! - 13/10/2009 02:58:26 PM 512 Views
Wouldn't she be able to tell if she was one of them? *NM* - 13/10/2009 05:56:15 PM 226 Views
Other things to consider - 13/10/2009 06:03:55 PM 525 Views
I kind of doubt it - 14/10/2009 05:04:40 AM 514 Views
Tower/Egwene & Mat - 13/10/2009 07:30:44 PM 561 Views
Re: Tower/Egwene & Mat - 14/10/2009 03:07:12 AM 462 Views
Re: Tower/Egwene & Mat - 14/10/2009 02:53:50 PM 437 Views
Lets hope Elayne dies. *NM* - 14/10/2009 02:28:09 PM 220 Views
Its going to go down like this - 14/10/2009 03:49:30 PM 492 Views
The rediscovery of Football - 14/10/2009 05:04:51 PM 482 Views
12 goals in 30 seconds? - 14/10/2009 05:14:15 PM 626 Views
Returned 2 point conversion attempts - 14/10/2009 08:08:28 PM 517 Views
Re: Returned 2 point conversion attempts - 15/10/2009 12:11:55 AM 474 Views
Shadow all the way baby! *NM* - 16/10/2009 01:12:54 AM 212 Views

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