Don't forget, Moridin himself saves Rand not long after this, and offers helpful advice as well. Taim's "concern" for Rand could be of the same level. The concern is not for Rand out of some kindness, but rather for the potential ruin of their plans.
That's a good point. I still feel that Taim's range of emotions in this book was beyond what we've seen in most Darkfriends, but it could very well all be because it means the Shadow's plans for Rand are ruined. Moridin can't manipulate the Fisher piece if he isn't thinking rationally...
If Mat and Elayne could be considered a "power" couple, what does that make Mat and Tuon? Working in concert, those two could about rule the world if they so chose. (ignoring the immediate concerns of the DO and TG of course)
They'd have the whole Seanchan empire, anyway... if it can be rebuilt after the damage Semirhage did.
Don't forget, those AM have gone "all-in" with Rand. Many have left their families, all have left their former lives. They have made a choice to become like the very men who broke their world, and spread chaos and destruction like wildfire. They have become the devil. It's not so much about being desensitized, as it is about them needing to succeed to confirm they've made the right choice. If they can't do their job as AM, if they fail.....then what are they? What then of the decision they made? It would be their ruin.
Would that be enough to witness people exploding and not even blink (or at least feel quite unwell afterwards)? I understand the point you make and agree with it for the most part, certainly. Could the Asha'man view the Shaido in the same manner as Shadowspawn, though, since Rand has emphasized that need to defeat the Dark One? Or has Taim's training fixed this fact in their heads so that they view any enemy, any opposition, as something they absolutely need to defeat?
Thoughts on LoC
07/10/2009 07:05:30 AM
Re: Thoughts on LoC
07/10/2009 03:09:07 PM
Re: Thoughts on LoC
07/10/2009 08:52:50 PM
Re: Thoughts on LoC
07/10/2009 06:35:46 PM
Re: Thoughts on LoC
07/10/2009 08:44:29 PM
Read the passage when Rand asks Mat to go to Salidar again.
07/10/2009 10:02:31 PM