Except that perspective is only from hindsight. Now that we know the voices are a symptom of a specific mental illness, we can identify this behavior as insane. Before that we were willing to accept it as just another fantasy thing, like the One Power or the Horn of Valere, or ta'veren. Think of how annoyed people were at Tuon for thinking the last was superstition on the part of wetlanders.
That is only what Semirhage says, obviously to sow dissension. And while she claims that Rand is insane, even Semirhage admits that LTT's voice is real - not only imagined - so it is still a "fantasy thing" like e.g. the dices in Mat's head or Perrin talking to wolves.
Thoughts on LoC
07/10/2009 07:05:30 AM
Re: Thoughts on LoC
07/10/2009 06:35:46 PM
Re: Thoughts on LoC
07/10/2009 08:44:29 PM
Read the passage when Rand asks Mat to go to Salidar again.
07/10/2009 10:02:31 PM