Active Users:185 Time:14/03/2025 08:41:46 PM
I actually think it's the latter *NM* Cannoli Send a noteboard - 01/05/2017 11:09:46 AM
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Foundation. - 28/04/2017 06:17:16 AM 867 Views
Is it a bot? Or just someone hitting all the boards? But wait! - 28/04/2017 03:48:28 PM 613 Views
LEARN FUCKING ENGLISH YOU FUCKING SPAM BOT! "ITS", NOT "IT'S" - 28/04/2017 10:36:02 PM 581 Views
Oh God, maybe it is "it's" and the title is an even bigger piece of dogshit than I initially thought *NM* - 29/04/2017 04:45:04 PM 279 Views
I actually think it's the latter *NM* - 01/05/2017 11:09:46 AM 457 Views

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