Active Users:510 Time:09/03/2025 01:59:42 AM
As far as the BS books go, do what I did for the most part... Just don't think of them as %100 canon Dunstan Send a noteboard - 05/03/2017 07:07:57 AM

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It all began when KoD came out. I think excalibur and I were separated by an ocean once more. Somehow or other (my memory is a bit vague) he got the hardback first and read it. Without me. I found out when I joined him in England. I could have killed him. We were going to read it at the same time, I thought, and he'd read it. I can't describe how furious I was at the time.

Anyway, I'm not sure what happened after that. Life got in the way. Wotmania ended. Robert Jordan died. It was his last book and I didn't want to read it. I finally did a couple of years ago. Maybe more; I can't remember. Then I moved on to the first Sanderson one. For some reason, it simply didn't hold my interest.

Aviendha had a long POV in there that I felt portrayed her as weak and worrisome, and pretty damned annoying.

Now even more time has passed since I tried to finish the series, and I can't remember all the subplots. I don't know whether I can, should, or even want to try again from the beginning.

But just in case I do, don't spoil it for me

Well, there you have it. I'm sure you don't care, and I don't know why I'm telling you. Nevertheless, it's kind of good to be back.

Because... They aren't. Not really. Just a somewhat flexible outline of what happened.

And besides, the books are over now. "Canon" matters rather little. For me the setting lives on in my imagination and will likely do so for the rest of my life.

... Besides, while some of BS's characterizations were off, there are some character arcs/resolutions that you'd be doing your inner WoT-fan grave harm to miss. To say nothing of just some metaphysics of the setting involving the Dark One.

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I never finished the series, and now I just...can't. - 03/03/2017 08:41:07 PM 940 Views
So you don't want to see how Rand dies and the Dark One takes over Randland? - 03/03/2017 09:07:28 PM 709 Views
Curse you! - 03/03/2017 09:11:27 PM 770 Views
If you don't want to start over from the beginning... - 03/03/2017 10:18:12 PM 807 Views
I do know, mook. - 04/03/2017 08:47:57 AM 776 Views
You just need to re-read some old books to reinvigorate your desire. Try Crossroads of Twilight. *NM* - 03/03/2017 11:30:14 PM 322 Views
My memory isn't THAT bad! *NM* - 04/03/2017 12:04:07 AM 403 Views
I think I'd read it - 04/03/2017 08:31:36 AM 731 Views
I think that's what I found with tGS - 04/03/2017 08:52:45 AM 761 Views
Skim through the first books and pick up where you left off. - 04/03/2017 09:10:46 PM 803 Views
As far as the BS books go, do what I did for the most part... Just don't think of them as %100 canon - 05/03/2017 07:07:57 AM 640 Views
If I may direct you to a series of posts summing up the important stuff... - 05/03/2017 08:49:54 PM 944 Views
Nice summaries! Very handy for re-reads. *NM* - 07/03/2017 03:14:45 AM 383 Views
I just wanted to say - 07/03/2017 05:40:06 PM 757 Views

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