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Wards, wards and more wards darius_sedai Send a noteboard - 24/10/2016 04:38:46 AM

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As much just an observation as anything, but one of the changes, or soon to be changes as it hasn't quite happened yet, Fourth Agers need to... "Learn to deal with" isn't quite right, as there is little they can actually "do" about it, so I guess "acknowledge exist" is just the level of freedom Traveling gives a channeler.

In my mind, the existence of Traveling is one of the main reasons WoT NEEDS the Dragon's Peace. To give them time to adapt to the fact that now just about everyone can get just about anywhere whenever the hell they want, and the only real control the governments have over it is... A single Dreamspike... WoT needs to do everything they can to make as many of those things as they can ASAP. If they even can.

But the thing is... The issue actually goes a whole lot deeper then that. In that while channelers in WoT don't yet know how to do it, we know that Gateways are capable of going to parallel and alternate worlds... Once they figure that out, then literally every single Traveling capable channeler is all of Gateway to a channeler-less world away from being able to set themselves up as a demigod, and... There really isn't a hell of a lot that anyone in WoT can actually do to stop them.

What stops a channeler from being able to pull a Forsaken and just up and takeover, is other channelers of similar training being there to counter such, but... For all the world said rouge channeler would of just up and vanished one day. No idea where they went. No way to track them.

And as a side issue... Raising the first batch or two of Dragon Blooded is going to be hellish...

Just think of it, five your olds perfectly capable of just up and popping over to the ogier's home dimension for no other reason then uncle Loial made an off hand comment that there weren't that many ogier... And it's not like they can just up and keep the kids shielded until they're twenty, no matter how much they might want to. lol

At least later on they can leave the babysitting to the elder siblings.

If I'm Elayne or Cadsuane or Aviendha or Logain or another leader f the channeling organizations, I'm setting out to have people running around laying inverted wards everywhere I can get them to layout the alarm for unauthorized traveling. Egwene was being smart by creating the Taveling Grounds, given the dangers of opening gateways and the risk of a rogue running around the world doing who-knows-what seems like rules such as designated entry points should be enforced pretty strongly.

Domani Drag Queen in the White Tower ... Aran'gar watch out!
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Survey! Well only sort of ... - 22/09/2016 03:22:39 AM 1031 Views
Hmm. - 23/09/2016 01:52:30 AM 668 Views
Love the Nynaeve idea ... I'd read that for certain! - 23/09/2016 04:01:36 AM 656 Views
Re: Love the Nynaeve idea ... I'd read that for certain! - 23/09/2016 10:32:19 PM 649 Views
Re: Love the Nynaeve idea ... I'd read that for certain! - 24/09/2016 05:58:39 AM 661 Views
Re: Love the Nynaeve idea ... I'd read that for certain! - 08/10/2016 06:08:37 AM 566 Views
Mat and Tuon reclaiming Seanchan... - 08/10/2016 05:56:34 AM 789 Views
2 things I'd have liked to see - 23/09/2016 06:15:57 PM 597 Views
good ideas! I think it would be cool to see both of these too *NM* - 23/09/2016 07:08:14 PM 311 Views
Re: 2 things I'd have liked to see - 23/09/2016 10:33:09 PM 579 Views
Re: 2 things I'd have liked to see - 24/09/2016 05:43:50 AM 519 Views
As I said in a previous thread, I started reading WoT late... - 25/09/2016 11:28:43 PM 551 Views
I do too ... at least during the week *NM* - 26/09/2016 04:07:52 PM 304 Views
Re: Survey! Well only sort of ... - 08/10/2016 05:29:23 AM 588 Views
That's... actually a really good thought, and one I hadn't ever considered. +1! *NM* - 08/10/2016 05:44:44 PM 279 Views
Another idea/fanfic plot I can think of is "the rouge channeler". - 23/10/2016 05:07:42 PM 610 Views
Wards, wards and more wards - 24/10/2016 04:38:46 AM 603 Views
Don't recall there being such a thing as Traveling detection wards. - 24/10/2016 07:03:19 AM 564 Views
Well there was the "doorbell" thing - 24/10/2016 04:23:19 PM 545 Views
Maybe the Dragon Blooded could work something out, but even the Forsaken didn't know of such a ward. - 24/10/2016 05:15:13 PM 613 Views
we don't know that - 24/10/2016 05:53:34 PM 576 Views
Resetting wards aren't anything new... And yet Sammael used non-resetting ones. - 24/10/2016 06:44:32 PM 600 Views
As I said before nothing is fool proof - 24/10/2016 11:47:39 PM 675 Views

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