Not sure I would be all that into the Min story, mostly because I never cared much for Min, but I do like the idea you present about the interesting cultural issues.
Black Tower exploration would be cool too ... I actually think this and exploring the changes in the WT could be incorporated into the Nynaeve in 100 year story too. Perhaps her son is an important Asha'man. Are the Oaths still in place? If they are are the Aes Sedai starting to really see the impact of their halved lives are having in the organization due to the competitive organizations? Do Egwene's negotiations to cross train with the Aiel and Sea Folk have an impact? Have common folk begun to lose their fear of channelers now that the men don't go insane or do the Aes Sedai still attempt to intimidate all channelers into signing up or going into hiding? I always wondered if RJ was aiming for a return to the AOL style organization of Aes Sedai or if he imagined something new happening post-Dragon. Give the cycle of the Wheel I suspect he envisioned a civilization that gradually moved away from the OP until it was completely forgotten, only to be rediscovered in another Age. But perhaps he was really a believer that the Last Battle was in fact the end to that cycle and envisioned something new for his world.
Strictly speaking, humans don't have to lose the OP. At some point there simply needs to be humans that don't have it.
AOL Chat 1 (Verbatim)
Rog in CT
Because the Wheel of Time contains the Dark One's prison, and the Ages repeat with each revolution, then isn't humanity itself also imprisoned....unable to truly evolve?
Robert Jordan

I mean... We're the First Age. We have fossil evidence of us evolving. That kind of had to happen at some point.