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Re: Love the Nynaeve idea ... I'd read that for certain! darius_sedai Send a noteboard - 24/09/2016 05:58:39 AM

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Black Tower exploration would be cool too ... I actually think this and exploring the changes in the WT could be incorporated into the Nynaeve in 100 year story too. Perhaps her son is an important Asha'man.

Concerning Nynaeve & the Asha'man, if everyone in charge among them wasn't a total dick, I'd like to have seen them give her the Dragon pin and make her an honorary Asha'man. Considering she discovered how to Heal gentling, helped Cleanse the taint on saidin, and Healed the effects of the taint that still lingered, she has done more for the cause of male channelers than anyone short of Rand himself. He didn't do that much more than she.
Are the Oaths still in place? If they are are the Aes Sedai starting to really see the impact of their halved lives are having in the organization due to the competitive organizations?

I wish that had been developed more, instead of pretty much being forgotten after Egwene's proposal to Romanda. I think it was another issue where RJ was exploring the effects of belief in contrast with reality, but nothing ever came of it.
Do Egwene's negotiations to cross train with the Aiel and Sea Folk have an impact? Have common folk begun to lose their fear of channelers now that the men don't go insane or do the Aes Sedai still attempt to intimidate all channelers into signing up or going into hiding? I always wondered if RJ was aiming for a return to the AOL style organization of Aes Sedai or if he imagined something new happening post-Dragon. Give the cycle of the Wheel I suspect he envisioned a civilization that gradually moved away from the OP until it was completely forgotten, only to be rediscovered in another Age. But perhaps he was really a believer that the Last Battle was in fact the end to that cycle and envisioned something new for his world.

I think that's a no to the last question, given how each book keeps insisting that it's both an Age long forgotten & yet to come. But that doesn't mean the Fourth Age moves back in the direction of the Second Age. I don't think the AoL was ever supposed to be some sort of ideal to be re-achieved, merely just that old, hindsight-idealized time period that people look back on.

Yeah, not exploring some of these side plots was a bit of a let down. I guess I was expecting that to be what Egwene's rule as Amyrlin was going to be all about. Really didn't see her death coming to be honest. Expected her to survive and go on to help bring about peace between the Tower and the Seanchan and help integrate the various cultures channeling organizations.

I'm not sold that Rand really did do more for them than Nynaeve. All he did was give an amnesty and cleanse the taint along with Nynaeve and would have failed at that with the aid of Cadsuane and her group.

I think RJ made it obvious that the AOL was this ideal time for channelers, if no one else, a golden age of working both sides of the Power to maximum effect. I wasn't getting at a full recreation of a dead era so much as a mimicking of the specific organization the Aes Sedai had during the AOL

Domani Drag Queen in the White Tower ... Aran'gar watch out!
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Survey! Well only sort of ... - 22/09/2016 03:22:39 AM 1031 Views
Hmm. - 23/09/2016 01:52:30 AM 669 Views
Love the Nynaeve idea ... I'd read that for certain! - 23/09/2016 04:01:36 AM 657 Views
Re: Love the Nynaeve idea ... I'd read that for certain! - 23/09/2016 10:32:19 PM 649 Views
Re: Love the Nynaeve idea ... I'd read that for certain! - 24/09/2016 05:58:39 AM 662 Views
Re: Love the Nynaeve idea ... I'd read that for certain! - 08/10/2016 06:08:37 AM 566 Views
Mat and Tuon reclaiming Seanchan... - 08/10/2016 05:56:34 AM 789 Views
2 things I'd have liked to see - 23/09/2016 06:15:57 PM 597 Views
good ideas! I think it would be cool to see both of these too *NM* - 23/09/2016 07:08:14 PM 311 Views
Re: 2 things I'd have liked to see - 23/09/2016 10:33:09 PM 579 Views
Re: 2 things I'd have liked to see - 24/09/2016 05:43:50 AM 519 Views
As I said in a previous thread, I started reading WoT late... - 25/09/2016 11:28:43 PM 551 Views
I do too ... at least during the week *NM* - 26/09/2016 04:07:52 PM 305 Views
Re: Survey! Well only sort of ... - 08/10/2016 05:29:23 AM 588 Views
That's... actually a really good thought, and one I hadn't ever considered. +1! *NM* - 08/10/2016 05:44:44 PM 279 Views
Another idea/fanfic plot I can think of is "the rouge channeler". - 23/10/2016 05:07:42 PM 610 Views
Wards, wards and more wards - 24/10/2016 04:38:46 AM 603 Views
Don't recall there being such a thing as Traveling detection wards. - 24/10/2016 07:03:19 AM 564 Views
Well there was the "doorbell" thing - 24/10/2016 04:23:19 PM 545 Views
Maybe the Dragon Blooded could work something out, but even the Forsaken didn't know of such a ward. - 24/10/2016 05:15:13 PM 613 Views
we don't know that - 24/10/2016 05:53:34 PM 576 Views
Resetting wards aren't anything new... And yet Sammael used non-resetting ones. - 24/10/2016 06:44:32 PM 600 Views
As I said before nothing is fool proof - 24/10/2016 11:47:39 PM 675 Views

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