First, I'd really have enjoyed a story set at the start of the Breaking. I really, really, really enjoyed, when Rand went through the columns, the scene where the Aiel were seedsinging, the soldier came over and said, hey, we won the war, I wonder what I'll do now.
Hell, maybe that nameless soldier could've been one of the first PoV characters.
But yeah, I'd have liked seeing how society broke down and dealt with the insanity of millions of channelers, all while dealing with loose Forsaken, hordes of shadowspawn, and the changing of landmasses.
Secondly, I'd like to see a different story set in the same world. Maybe in the 7th, or 1st age. I'd enjoy seeing how the WoT we know and love was remembered as legend or myth, before being forgotten again. I just think that'd be neat to see.
Sorry, not much, I know, or near as deep as Cannoli's response, but, hey, you get what you get on a dying board.