Active Users:828 Time:12/03/2025 12:19:10 AM
Hmm. Cannoli Send a noteboard - 23/09/2016 01:52:30 AM

I think my preferences would go the other way, with more interest in the outgrowth of things already established in the series. What would the Black Tower be like? What would be the Asha'man's role in society, compared to that of the Aes Sedai? How many, if any, of Egwene's prospective reforms would stick, and which ones fall by the wayside, and how would other changes come about that would be necessitated by the expansion of the channeling world?

How would the Aiel adapt and change with their new position in the Dragon's Peace? How would the Pact of the Griffin affect international politics?

And what about the characters' offspring & descendants? What sort of familial arrangements would Rand end up having with his love interests & kids? I think that might actually make some very interesting story ideas, such as the cultural clashes between Rand and Aviendha or Elayne in raising their children, with Rand maybe not thrilled at the idea of pairing off one of the twins with an as-yet unborn child of Perrin and Faile just for some political bullshit. Or trying to subvert Aviendha rearing her children in ji'e'toh, by maybe taking them aside and saying "No, you really DON'T have to kill yourself to undo being embarrassed." And Min trying to have normal kids while working with the Seanchan, and high at court. On the one hand, her position would give her a certain latitude, but on the other, there would still be expectations and a culture that she and the kids would have to live with. That might have made a neat sideplot in the Mat/Tuon stories, with Min's life happening in the background. She and Mat might end up sharing some concerns, but their situations would not be remotely close, since Tuon would be taking a direct personal interest in his kids, and one would be heir to the Crystal Throne, of course. Poul Anderson wrote a historical novel called Mother of Kings, or something like that, about a real Viking woman whose husband and sons were minor conquerors in England and Norway, and one of the unusual things about their family compared to their contemporaries, was how close their sons were, and how they never fought each other, and stayed allied all their lives. That might be a neat dynamic for Mat to interpose on the next generation of the Imperial Family, as he probably would not appreciate the benefits to the Empire of his sons and daughters plotting against one another to ensure the fittest come to rule. It might also be cool in the Mat/Tuon books, if Rand was in the background under a fake name, with most people seeing him as nothing more than Min's husband or lover, and maybe note that the Prince of the Ravens is unusually close to a man so lacking in real status at the court, but then, Knotai is known for being weird like that...

Also, Nynaeve having some sort of adventure in about 100 years, with maybe someone new characters having significant PoV of her part, where she comes across to them the way Cadsuane does to people in the main sequence, and contrasting with her own PoV, where she can't understand why people all flinch so much nowadays, and notes with exasperation issues that are very reminiscent of things that got Moiraine's and Cadsuane's goat when dealing with Rand & co.

The stuff you mention, I'd maybe like to see in a history, like the "World of Ice & Fire" that was released a little while ago, just for the reason that its role in the story is to inform the world in which our characters live. The personal story style of RJ wouldn't really be as instructive, IMO. Maybe series of vignettes, akin to the glass column visions, stuck in there, but not much more in-depth. WoT is WoT, not because it's a great story or RJ was a brilliant writer, but because he made characters we can all embrace, who are real and alive to us.

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Survey! Well only sort of ... - 22/09/2016 03:22:39 AM 1031 Views
Hmm. - 23/09/2016 01:52:30 AM 669 Views
Love the Nynaeve idea ... I'd read that for certain! - 23/09/2016 04:01:36 AM 656 Views
Re: Love the Nynaeve idea ... I'd read that for certain! - 23/09/2016 10:32:19 PM 649 Views
Re: Love the Nynaeve idea ... I'd read that for certain! - 24/09/2016 05:58:39 AM 661 Views
Re: Love the Nynaeve idea ... I'd read that for certain! - 08/10/2016 06:08:37 AM 566 Views
Mat and Tuon reclaiming Seanchan... - 08/10/2016 05:56:34 AM 789 Views
2 things I'd have liked to see - 23/09/2016 06:15:57 PM 597 Views
good ideas! I think it would be cool to see both of these too *NM* - 23/09/2016 07:08:14 PM 311 Views
Re: 2 things I'd have liked to see - 23/09/2016 10:33:09 PM 579 Views
Re: 2 things I'd have liked to see - 24/09/2016 05:43:50 AM 519 Views
As I said in a previous thread, I started reading WoT late... - 25/09/2016 11:28:43 PM 551 Views
I do too ... at least during the week *NM* - 26/09/2016 04:07:52 PM 304 Views
Re: Survey! Well only sort of ... - 08/10/2016 05:29:23 AM 588 Views
That's... actually a really good thought, and one I hadn't ever considered. +1! *NM* - 08/10/2016 05:44:44 PM 279 Views
Another idea/fanfic plot I can think of is "the rouge channeler". - 23/10/2016 05:07:42 PM 610 Views
Wards, wards and more wards - 24/10/2016 04:38:46 AM 603 Views
Don't recall there being such a thing as Traveling detection wards. - 24/10/2016 07:03:19 AM 564 Views
Well there was the "doorbell" thing - 24/10/2016 04:23:19 PM 545 Views
Maybe the Dragon Blooded could work something out, but even the Forsaken didn't know of such a ward. - 24/10/2016 05:15:13 PM 613 Views
we don't know that - 24/10/2016 05:53:34 PM 576 Views
Resetting wards aren't anything new... And yet Sammael used non-resetting ones. - 24/10/2016 06:44:32 PM 600 Views
As I said before nothing is fool proof - 24/10/2016 11:47:39 PM 675 Views

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