Erm, you've said much worse to many more people, but I'll let it rest. I'm not prepared to search through the archives and find all these numerous insults over about 15 years. I personally have been on the receiving end of exactly that sort of vitriol from you about Lanfear slash everyone. You've directly told me that I'm a power-hungry person in real life because I like the Forsaken and the OP.
Yup. And he has mocked your interest in OP strength so often.
And its evident here as well. I was the only one who called Cannoli rabid and incoherent. Darius just asked you why you bothered. You had just replied to him about Egwene, and agreed with my assessment of him. And Cannoli felt the need to lump all of us together as the "insane ones".
But I do find it funny as hell that Cannoli, of all posters, is somehow the "victim" here ... Sheesh I don't even dislike him, my comments were snide for certain, but mostly I am surprised anyone will even bother to engage him on the topic of Egwene as it's an exercise in futility ... He hates her and everything about her, there is no reason to debate with him since there is no common ground that can be found within his viewpoint. His POV is abundantly clear after about 1 paragraph of any of his "Egwene is evil" posts. It's like trying to debate Immigration with Donald Trump. This is what prompted my initial post of "why bother"
The Creator knows we're all aggressive personalities, but come on guys, we've all hurled meaner crap at one another over the years. It's custom as strong as law if someone can't take a little
once in a while it's their problem.