At the start of TSR Elayne was not strong enough to lift a single woman, she admitted this later in the book when she was genuinely surprised that she could lift and throw Temaile, she stated that she must have grown in strength due to her training with Jorin as she was not previously able to do this. I'd estimate that she was around the same strength as Siuan (post-Stilling), level 35, at the start of the book, and likely had grown in strength to around a level 17 by the end of the book, Teslyn, on level 17, was strong enough to lift Mat, but that seemed to be about her limit. It's not until TFoH that she surpasses Aes Sedai strength ranges and hits her current strength at level 11. By the time she reaches Salidar she is stronger than any woman there (Nynaeve aside).
Liandrin, and all of her 13 IMO, are much stronger than they were described in the books, likely because of the change in RJs system, but given that Liandrin was a level 14 she would have been able to lift close to 3x her own weight (at least Siuan pre-stilling at level 13 was able to do so).