Overall the Blue Ajah has the most representation of Sisters with strength greater than 19 while the Gray has the least representation of Sisters with strength greater than 19.
Black Ajah 152 Index
Blue 136 Index
Red 108 Index
White 100 Index
Yellow 100 Index
Brown 84 Index
Green 82 Index
Gray 80 Index
Most of this makes a certain amount of sense when you think about the nature of the various Ajah's ... strength tends to follow political ambitions to certain degree which seems to be a characteristic of the Blue, so no wonder strong women gravitate toward it. Reds, given their function, would seem to need stronger women. Not surprising to see Gray at the lower end since they are more involved in "mundane" worldly functions (along with Browns). The Green ranking lower does strike me as a little strange, but perhaps it's more about mentality than anything with Greens?
I think this is all coincidental. I would be very surprised if RJ had anything to do with this sort of spread of strength. Personally if I was a strong/weak Accepted I would do what I enjoyed or gravitated towards. It's one area where I think strength plays a small role.
The Ajah's tend to "guide/recruit" I don't think the Accepted really make this choice themselves, except under extremely odd circumstances such as Pevara. Point being it seems logical that the Blue, political as they are, would take great interest in young and powerful women, possibly beginning the recruitment process from her first days in the Tower, or at the very least once they realized she wasn't a shoe-in for another Ajah (i.e. painfully logical etc...).
Certainly there are women that are clearly headed to a specific Ajah based only on personality (i.e. everyone knows a White's mentality when they meet her), but I'd say that most of the time Novices and Accepted are more middle of the road in terms of personality, who would have guessed Faolain would choose the Blue for instance? For a woman like her the Blue may well have latched onto her sense of justice and her passion, and used that to guide her away from what seemingly should have been a choice for the Red. They likely would have ignored this part of her and let her gravitate toward the Red had she been weak in the Power.