This site has always been obsessed with power levels; it's amusing to see how many comments are on this post. I have never cared very much about power levels, and Dom said he never cared much either, but once we got our hands on the notes and saw all the detail on power rankings, making a list was just too tempting. So I guess the obsession rubbed off on me through Dom...
I'm glad Dom was there for me during that time. It was kind of breakneck, long days in the library and then Marie and I were driving across the country to visit other libraries for my work. I remember talking with Dom on Messenger on my phone about one of the big Aes Sedai files while I was riding shotgun through the Smoky Mountains and trying to read the notes on my laptop. He was able to read them faster than I was so half of the stuff I know about the notes actually came to me through Dom.