Active Users:749 Time:23/02/2025 03:05:20 PM
Some points Sidious Send a noteboard - 05/12/2015 11:14:30 AM

I think in many ways Darius is right about this. I'd like to raise a few points.

Firstly, channelers can use the power that drives the universe and most of them know it, even if only on a subconscious level. What's worse is that they are living in a feudal and not very advanced society, and human nature naturally gravitates towards "boldness", arrogance and similar traits especially when one is handed great power (and longevity). Some of the stronger channelers have been said to be able to tear down half a palace if they want to. There are very few truly humble channelers in the books, and we've seen channelers fall back on the True Source if they don't get what they want. Channeling is a lot like physical strength - powerful, athletic and good looking people are often arrogant and "bold". It's a theme as old as civilization. Anaiya's statement isn't absurd if you consider that the Power is what has established the hierarchy of the WT. Right or wrong, there is no evidence that this has changed. They mentioned it when they chose Egwene as the rebel Amyrlin, and it has been the reason that they have hounded Cadsuane to be the Amyrlin several times, even at the very end of the series. Cadsuane mentioned that she was very arrogant in her power when she gained the shawl, until she was humbled by a near toothless wilder. She is almost the only character whom I can think of who appreciates that even the greatest can be humbled. Most other characters think that they were unlucky and will 'have their revenge'.

One should also remember that half of the AOL Aes Sedai joined the Shadow during the War of Power. Channeling definitely gives people a sense of god-like power in most instances, even if it's not fully apparent at first. Rand's allusion to Moiraine as a 'little sister' is more than a hint that this sort of structuring may have been present then too.

The actual act of channeling even creates euphoria, and Nynaeve under Compulsion admitted that having access to so much power terrifies her. It's very likely that boldness in personality grows with strength in the Power, especially in the WT where people have to respect you if you're strong even if you're an imbecile (look at Elaida). I'm not saying that it's intrinsic, but rather that it is reinforced socially. Aes Sedai are told they are better than non Aes Sedai, strong channelers can boss weaker ones around etc. There are countless times when AS have told Nynaeve about how massive she is going to be one day and after a few years that has got to rub off.

Secondly, no one has introduced anything about relativism. Many of the Forsaken are akin to AOL royalty. Most of them were world famous whereas Mesaana was not. I don't think it's an easy crowd to be around unless you have very good self-esteem. Mesaana was not an achiever in her age, and she's not even beautiful (sometimes this is enough for even a modern woman to make her feel diminished). Same with Moghedien. Compare this to the others who are all very strong, beautiful and formally accomplished and it explains a lot. Rahvin may not be famous, but he's pretty much as handsome as a man can be and as strong in the Power as possible - I doubt he's had to face many serious social issues in his life that he couldn't get past. Of course, when Mesaana is around anyone who is not Forsaken (like Alviarin), she comes across as great as any queen, and there's no lack of 'boldness' there. Her massive arrogance around Egwene was not subtle at all. There are many other examples - Nynaeve is a very bold woman, but she becomes meek around Alivia. Daigian sits quietly among other Aes Sedai because of her weakness, yet that meekness vanishes when she's with her warder or is out and about like as an individual Aes Sedai.

As a last point, I also don't think Mesaana has a capacity for evil that many of the Forsaken have. She basically admits it when comparing herself to Semirhage. People like Graendal, Lanfear, Demandred, Aginor and Ishamael have almost inhuman capacities for evil. It's unlikely that all of the Forsaken have the same capacity for evil. Many merely wanted immortality, and Mesaana was more obsessed with her Nazi children's courts from a distance, than someone like Semirhage who was trying to keep people alive for years in agony, Lanfear driving people to suicide in dreams, or Demandred feeding whole cities to Trollocs. It's likely some of the Forsaken often thought "what the hell am I doing here?"

I'm not surprised that Darius thought that Mesaana should be less than 2. I have never seen Mesaana so high on any strength list over all the years that we have been fighting about it. It's likely that she's like Aginor - very strong but not very charismatic.

Wheel of Time board admin
Fan of Lanfear
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Sortable, searchable file of Channelers - 28/11/2015 10:01:57 PM 3272 Views
Outstanding job - 29/11/2015 04:15:17 PM 1016 Views
Re: Outstanding job - 29/11/2015 06:53:40 PM 1007 Views
Very impressive. Well done. - 29/11/2015 04:41:52 PM 1146 Views
Re: Very impressive. Well done. - 29/11/2015 06:54:02 PM 1045 Views
Quick Question - 30/11/2015 05:11:17 AM 1131 Views
Nope - 30/11/2015 05:44:04 AM 1149 Views
They do say it - 30/11/2015 10:32:48 AM 1340 Views
I added Rand and Lews Therin to the ++1 Strength - 30/11/2015 03:21:00 PM 1003 Views
Re: I added Rand and Lews Therin to the ++1 Strength - 01/12/2015 08:02:01 AM 1137 Views
Well, it also states that there are gradations within each level too - 01/12/2015 04:26:29 PM 1176 Views
Well maybe - 02/12/2015 06:31:05 AM 1122 Views
Here's how I see it: - 02/12/2015 08:34:54 AM 1188 Views
I agree - 02/12/2015 04:22:52 PM 1152 Views
Re: I agree - 02/12/2015 05:14:50 PM 1297 Views
It's always been confusing - 02/12/2015 06:00:01 PM 1262 Views
Re: It's always been confusing - 02/12/2015 07:27:11 PM 1253 Views
I wholeheartedly agree - 02/12/2015 08:07:39 PM 1062 Views
Re: Here's how I see it: - 02/12/2015 04:46:54 PM 1292 Views
Morgase - 03/12/2015 04:37:47 AM 1135 Views
I agree with you on this - 03/12/2015 03:22:22 PM 994 Views
Re: Morgase - 03/12/2015 07:46:59 PM 1268 Views
I didn't realize he was being literal in that comment - 03/12/2015 09:29:52 PM 1123 Views
Re: Well maybe - 02/12/2015 03:52:49 PM 1215 Views
Re: Well maybe - 02/12/2015 04:42:37 PM 1288 Views
Probably - 02/12/2015 06:11:42 PM 1068 Views
Re: Probably - 02/12/2015 07:38:50 PM 1196 Views
Indeed - 02/12/2015 08:21:07 PM 1067 Views
Re: Indeed - 03/12/2015 04:08:03 AM 1000 Views
close enough to not debate about it - 03/12/2015 03:47:55 PM 1032 Views
Re: close enough to not debate about it - 03/12/2015 04:14:38 PM 1031 Views
I think you misunderstand what I'm saying - 03/12/2015 04:43:29 PM 1064 Views
Re: I think you misunderstand what I'm saying - 03/12/2015 05:41:17 PM 1114 Views
um, no - 03/12/2015 09:24:31 PM 1008 Views
You two seem like Egwene's interchangeable defenders to me; it's weird to see you fighting. - 04/12/2015 09:21:23 PM 1255 Views
That's on you... - 04/12/2015 09:46:51 PM 1059 Views
We've been arguing on the forums for like 10 years - 06/12/2015 07:36:55 PM 992 Views
It's Cannoli, Darius - 06/12/2015 08:53:06 PM 1021 Views
LOL *NM* - 07/12/2015 03:26:40 AM 620 Views
Some points - 05/12/2015 11:14:30 AM 1024 Views
Re: close enough to not debate about it - 05/12/2015 11:29:44 AM 1091 Views
Re: I added Rand and Lews Therin to the ++1 Strength - 03/12/2015 07:22:15 AM 1007 Views
Great job - 30/11/2015 05:45:27 AM 1022 Views
Re: Great job - 30/11/2015 03:22:09 PM 1035 Views
Made a few adjustments to add some presumed minimum/maximum levels *NM* - 30/11/2015 04:28:13 PM 678 Views
Some questions - 30/11/2015 05:18:00 PM 1025 Views
Re: Some questions - 30/11/2015 07:26:29 PM 1000 Views
Re: Some questions - 01/12/2015 08:05:01 AM 1197 Views
That's why I added another column to it - 01/12/2015 04:25:04 PM 1062 Views
Some more - 01/12/2015 05:24:40 PM 1098 Views
Re: Some more - 01/12/2015 07:34:20 PM 1127 Views
Re: Some more - 02/12/2015 12:27:40 AM 1121 Views
Re: Some more - 02/12/2015 02:26:53 AM 1066 Views
Re: Some more - 02/12/2015 08:24:49 AM 1076 Views
Re: Some more - 02/12/2015 05:54:49 PM 1138 Views
Re: Some more - 03/12/2015 04:26:45 AM 975 Views
You said this much better than I did - 03/12/2015 03:53:57 PM 1004 Views
I think the men are much too strong - 02/12/2015 09:01:56 AM 1201 Views
Yes - 02/12/2015 03:06:44 PM 1041 Views
Re: Yes - 02/12/2015 04:45:20 PM 1124 Views
Re: Yes - 02/12/2015 06:39:43 PM 1175 Views
Re: Yes - 03/12/2015 03:56:23 AM 982 Views
I think when characters quoted information from their world it gets muddled - 03/12/2015 04:19:43 PM 1042 Views
Shielding - 05/12/2015 11:19:40 AM 983 Views
I feel like there is an RJ quote about this actually - 06/12/2015 06:41:35 PM 973 Views
Re: I feel like there is an RJ quote about this actually - 07/12/2015 12:39:54 PM 1011 Views
seriously! - 07/12/2015 04:55:43 PM 1020 Views
Who should defer to whom? - 01/12/2015 08:17:22 PM 1203 Views
Interesting... - 02/12/2015 08:44:32 AM 1148 Views
I think there needs to be a pretty significant (5+ levels) difference - 02/12/2015 06:25:35 PM 1192 Views
Good job - 05/12/2015 08:43:09 PM 1390 Views
Some questions - 06/12/2015 12:28:46 AM 1057 Views
Can't offer much - 06/12/2015 12:33:29 AM 1224 Views
Cool. Hopefully Dom will see this... - 06/12/2015 08:58:39 PM 924 Views
Re: Some questions - 06/12/2015 08:06:56 PM 990 Views
Then there would be some mention of it, yes/ - 06/12/2015 08:56:10 PM 926 Views
Not at all ... He clearly had a general sense of how it worked - 07/12/2015 03:28:35 AM 926 Views
Re: Some questions - 07/12/2015 04:19:43 PM 1217 Views
it probably has to do with the fact that the characters in the books are also obsessed with strength - 06/12/2015 07:58:20 PM 1055 Views
Sort of. - 06/12/2015 10:30:36 PM 1382 Views
Makes sense - 07/12/2015 12:38:54 AM 939 Views
Clearly his strength rankings came in mid-series - 07/12/2015 07:39:59 PM 1143 Views
Re: Clearly his strength rankings came in mid-series - 10/12/2015 05:33:27 AM 1014 Views
Probably something along those lines - 10/12/2015 03:44:48 PM 899 Views
Lifespan question (Spoiler) - 08/12/2015 05:42:41 PM 938 Views
Moiraine... - 09/12/2015 02:28:50 AM 977 Views
That too is possible - 09/12/2015 03:02:12 PM 959 Views
Some random trends/data points - 08/12/2015 08:39:14 PM 973 Views
Who is the one Sharan? And I'm surprised so many Seanchan have listed strength levels. *NM* - 09/12/2015 02:42:51 AM 644 Views
Re: Who is the one Sharan? And I'm surprised so many Seanchan have listed strength levels. - 09/12/2015 02:31:18 PM 1039 Views
Not sure she can channel, though - 09/12/2015 03:22:17 PM 859 Views
Re: Not sure she can channel, though - 09/12/2015 04:54:37 PM 1044 Views
duplicate post ignore *NM* - 09/12/2015 02:31:36 PM 557 Views
duplicate post ignore *NM* - 09/12/2015 02:31:55 PM 592 Views
so.... - 09/12/2015 06:10:41 AM 1039 Views
Nope... - 09/12/2015 03:24:07 PM 991 Views
Yes - 09/12/2015 03:46:30 PM 951 Views
Some things to consider - 09/12/2015 04:18:50 PM 959 Views
Re: Some things to consider - 10/12/2015 05:43:35 AM 931 Views
Re: Some things to consider - 10/12/2015 06:28:49 AM 875 Views
Re: Some things to consider - 10/12/2015 11:53:51 AM 935 Views
Sorilea has always been shown as skilled - 10/12/2015 04:10:37 PM 973 Views
Re: Some things to consider - 10/12/2015 04:46:29 PM 899 Views
Re: Some things to consider - 10/12/2015 05:50:17 PM 923 Views
plenty of weaker ones with notably strong Talents actually - 10/12/2015 06:26:03 PM 1013 Views
This is a flawed list - 11/12/2015 05:14:47 AM 914 Views
and you are just rationalizing to make your point seem plausible - 11/12/2015 03:10:12 PM 1033 Views
another point about Talents (unrelated to the Strength question) - 11/12/2015 06:06:42 PM 1116 Views
Not really - 11/12/2015 09:09:41 PM 982 Views
You are trying to force fit thin evidence into a sweeping statement - 11/12/2015 10:13:13 PM 1001 Views
Re: You are trying to force fit thin evidence into a sweeping statement - 12/12/2015 06:46:05 AM 939 Views
Let's face it a body builder ninja is sort of funny to think about - 12/12/2015 02:55:37 PM 1035 Views
Some quotes - 12/12/2015 01:18:41 AM 912 Views
Re: Some things to consider - 12/12/2015 03:18:30 AM 986 Views
Re: Some things to consider - 12/12/2015 06:19:15 AM 979 Views
Hey ... I have no interest in making you look stupid! - 12/12/2015 03:15:26 PM 938 Views
Re: Hey ... I have no interest in making you look stupid! - 13/12/2015 11:26:17 AM 957 Views
Yes, it's a sad thing to realize that this is pretty much the end of the road - 14/12/2015 04:40:50 PM 924 Views
Re: Yes, it's a sad thing to realize that this is pretty much the end of the road - 15/12/2015 06:01:58 AM 953 Views
I'm actually perplexed - 15/12/2015 07:19:27 AM 879 Views
Re: I'm actually perplexed - 17/12/2015 11:36:59 AM 993 Views
LOL ... Amen! *NM* - 15/12/2015 03:54:55 PM 599 Views
I don't think Elayne was that Strong in TSR - 10/12/2015 04:55:19 PM 960 Views
Yes and No - 09/12/2015 04:35:48 PM 919 Views
Re: Yes and No - 09/12/2015 10:41:32 PM 1003 Views
Indeed - 09/12/2015 11:01:03 PM 953 Views
Ajah Strength Index - 09/12/2015 10:45:29 PM 983 Views
Greens... - 10/12/2015 12:24:11 AM 951 Views
Me too honestly - 10/12/2015 03:12:21 AM 888 Views
Re: Me too honestly - 10/12/2015 04:59:42 AM 930 Views
Re: Me too honestly - 10/12/2015 04:18:00 PM 926 Views
Re: Ajah Strength Index - 10/12/2015 05:40:39 AM 939 Views
I'm not so sure you'd have a chioce - 10/12/2015 04:01:35 PM 910 Views
Liandrin's 13 - 10/12/2015 09:14:50 PM 1087 Views
Explain - 11/12/2015 05:16:55 AM 1013 Views
Several reasons ... Edited for clarity - 11/12/2015 02:54:58 PM 1094 Views
Bowl of the Winds Circle - 14/12/2015 09:41:33 PM 935 Views
The Cleansing Circles ... some speculation here - 15/12/2015 05:52:14 PM 924 Views
If I was Cadsuane I would have done it differently - 15/12/2015 10:01:07 PM 944 Views
Aran'gar - 16/12/2015 01:11:17 AM 1095 Views
Re: Aran'gar - 16/12/2015 06:54:28 AM 979 Views
mostly agree - 16/12/2015 06:27:06 PM 984 Views
Re: Aran'gar - 16/12/2015 06:50:27 PM 1095 Views
Re: Aran'gar - 17/12/2015 10:07:48 AM 1143 Views
We do have some additional clues - 17/12/2015 06:26:20 PM 1145 Views
additional thought - 16/12/2015 06:49:04 PM 909 Views
Does she know that? - 16/12/2015 06:58:24 PM 1059 Views
I'm speculating of course - 16/12/2015 07:37:10 PM 977 Views
Strength by National origin - 16/12/2015 09:04:11 PM 925 Views
Rebels v. Loyalists! - 16/12/2015 10:29:28 PM 1059 Views
Tamra's known hunters - 04/01/2016 06:58:17 PM 1002 Views
Known... - 05/01/2016 01:54:56 AM 884 Views
Re: Known... - 05/01/2016 02:55:50 AM 1041 Views

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