Active Users:1258 Time:23/02/2025 07:33:07 PM
Re: Well maybe - Edit 1

Before modification by Sidious at 02/12/2015 04:57:16 PM

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As I don't have the companion (doesn't really look like it provides what I was hoping for) - does Rand not have a power rating provided in the Companion?

Great work though by the way

As Sidious and Fionwe1987 both mentioned it's not directly stated in the Companion, but given the evidence in the series as well as the entry for Logain at ++2 it seems obvious. On the Index tab I have highlighted their Strength rating in a new column for "presumed strength" and added a few others too

Lol but it does say in the Logain section that Logain is one level below Rand.... So it is directly confirmed. There's very little assumption.

Thus Rand could technically be a ++2 and still be a little above Logain, enough room in that for "reasonable doubt" if this was criminal court

It also states that Logain is five levels above the strongest woman, and that sort of implies fixed levels. I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say that they were directly saying that Logain is ++2 and Rand is ++1.

The sub-levels most likely applies to where channelers can't actually see who's stronger without dueling. There are Aes Sedai who quote exactly that at some point in the series. It's likely that all the levels are rounded off.

Almost certainly correct ... I placed Rand in the ++1 Strength under the "unconfirmed" column because it's obvious from the way other entries read that he's meant to be a ++1 but I wanted to keep the "confirmed" area clean so I didn't put him there

Taim I believe could also be a ++2, but given his relationship with Demandred and how jealous he was of Logain from the first minute I sort of feel like he was slightly weaker. Again, that's why I have this listed in the "unconfirmed" section as it's also possible that he was a ++2, but I personally doubt he was on the same level as Demandred or Sammael.

Okay, but I think you are perhaps a little enamored by the "glory" of Demandred and Sammael. Remember that Logain is as strong as them, and even worse, Rahvin exceeds them in raw power. To me Taim and Logain were always of equal strength, and one was good and one was evil. I also find it difficult to believe that Taim would tolerate someone like Osan'gar being stronger than him, unless he held back.

It makes little difference to skirmish about it - we don't know, and we never will. If anything, Rahvin taught us that we know nothing regarding strength.

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