This was meant as a joke ... I was following where you were going with it
While I agree that she's kind of ridiculous, I think she's also prone to hyperbole and overreactions. Odds that Morgase was unaware of where babies came from at age 19 are pretty much nil, especially since she likely had the finest of educations available prior to her going to the Tower, and once in the Tower would have been exposed to this knowledge almost certainly. Morgase also showed that she was rather exasperated by Lini's attitudes as well, which just leads me to believe more that Lini's hangups didn't really have a material effect on a young Morgase. And while Elayne was certainly sheltered, she was also quite aware of how relations between men and women worked, if not exactly wise about how she went about them (i.e. getting knocked up on her first go with sex is a rookie mistake).
Min & Aviendha's conversation suggested it was not a mistake.
Possibly not, but they were all aware of birth control methods either way. PS I was also kidding with this response
Domani Drag Queen in the White Tower ... Aran'gar watch out!
This message last edited by darius_sedai on 16/11/2015 at 02:36:11 AM
Lini's sexual hangups? (WoT Companion datum)
11/11/2015 02:06:50 AM
Re: Lini's sexual hangups? (WoT Companion datum)
12/11/2015 09:52:54 PM
Regarding Perrin
12/11/2015 11:42:20 PM
Re: Regarding Perrin
14/11/2015 03:19:34 AM
I guess I'm better at deadpan humor when I can use facial expressions and tone of voice.
14/11/2015 03:27:22 AM
I got that you were kidding
15/11/2015 08:10:12 PM