Active Users:3148 Time:23/01/2025 12:47:33 AM
It MATTERS to everyone; just because it is irrelevant to a hierarchy does not make it absolutely so Joel Send a noteboard - 27/06/2015 08:44:07 PM

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View original postThe info on this post contradicts what Terez read in the notes. Per those notes, Daigian, the weakest AS, is level 45/33, not level 72/66. I think this entry has a mistake, in that it says the 66 original levels were for Aes Sedai only. I believe it included all channelers, even Morghase and Sorelia.

So would be sorely lacking. Setting aside largely irrelevant types like Morgase/Sorilea who can barely even briefly rarely GRASP the Source, much less DO anything with it, many people too weak to be AS still have sufficient strength to actually USE the One Power. And any One Power strength scale omitting people who demonstrably HAVE such strength is incomplete and thus inadequate.
Such people are wilder scum and not worth taking into account. For practical channeling purposes, RJ could always have them do what the story called for, like the Kinswoman with a Talent for shielding. Note that Elayne made no mention of the specifics of the Windfinders' strengths, except for those who approached, equaled or bettered her own. Little literary touches like that means there was no need to apply the scale to anyone but the sisters, since they were the only ones to whom it was important, and the handful of non-sisters who stuck out, like the Forsaken, or Someryn, the Aiel godmothers & Aviendha or the top Windfinders.

WoT is about how people behave and react to things. We didn't get a whole of specifics about insane male channelers, because the important thing in the story is how 3,000 years of insane or trouble-making male channelers, plus an apocalyptic cataclysm, have made people view men like the main character. The relative strengths of the channelers is only important for the way it affects characters' interactions. When it is not going to affect those interactions, there is really no need to apply the scale.

It is a fair point though that the PRECISION of a comprehensive scale was generally superfluous to both the narrative and the fictional reality of its characters. Especially since (as is so often the case in ACTUAL reality) great skill and knowledge disparity more than offset small strength disparity. Talent is a great thing, precisely because it CANNOT be developed: People are either born with it, or not. But even those born with NO talent can develop skill with disciplined time and effort, and those who do almost always surpass even the most talented people who do not. Sometimes exceptional talent encourages people to take things for granted and not work to improve their already elite ability.

As an aside, that is why so many college phenoms flame out in the NFL: As rare athletic freaks they could and did dominate the mostly average and equally unskilled kids in their grade school town, or even large cities or whole states, and excelled against the slightly above average thousands of teens who get college scholarships. But the NFLs two hundred odd annual draftees are ALL athletic freaks, even Mr. Irrelevant, which dramatically raises the level of competition. The most innately gifted athletes are (ironically) the very ones LEAST likely to raise their game to that level, not only because they have never had incentive to do so, but because many CANNOT because they never LEARNED how.

Most people cite the wealth of examples like Vince Young (or, worse, Ryan Leaf) but Tim Tebow is actually a better case study: He HAS the work ethic but LACKS the technique, and has no idea how to ACQUIRE that very acquirable thing. Not that Leafs far more common failing is a poor example; heading into the '99 draft most scouts agreed Leaf has a far stronger arm than Peyton Manning, but Leaf was a party boy while Manning remains notorious for relentlessly tortuously driving himself as well as teammates both on the practice field and in the film room. So flash forward 15 years and Manning has played three SBs and won one, while Leaf is a drug-addicted prison inmate with anger management issues. They are kind of like the NFLs Moiraine and Lanfear, though you and I may be the only people on earth who can appreciate that analogy.

Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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Strength in the OP: the Encyclopedia chapter is out! - 24/06/2015 09:56:33 PM 2071 Views
Re: Strength in the OP: the Encyclopedia chapter is out! - 25/06/2015 08:01:04 AM 963 Views
Re: Strength in the OP: the Encyclopedia chapter is out! - 25/06/2015 05:49:52 PM 1078 Views
That still would not make sense - 25/06/2015 09:22:48 PM 1046 Views
It would - 01/07/2015 07:17:09 PM 1081 Views
Re: That still would not make sense - 01/10/2015 11:54:06 PM 1145 Views
Re: Strength in the OP: the Encyclopedia chapter is out! - 25/06/2015 05:23:32 PM 1264 Views
I suspect... - 25/06/2015 05:47:59 PM 1082 Views
Re: I suspect... - 25/06/2015 06:33:10 PM 1145 Views
Yeah, a comprehensive scale restricted to AS would not be comprehensive - 25/06/2015 09:22:36 PM 1062 Views
Re: Yeah, a comprehensive scale restricted to AS would not be comprehensive - 25/06/2015 09:56:22 PM 1021 Views
Sorilea can GRASP the Source reliably; there is no indication she can USE it - 27/06/2015 08:19:19 PM 1066 Views
Re: Sorilea can GRASP the Source reliably; there is no indication she can USE it - 29/06/2015 07:58:55 PM 944 Views
Since she looks her age I suspect reaching it is almost entirely due to natural longevity - 29/06/2015 09:16:21 PM 922 Views
Not when you consider Morgase - 30/06/2015 09:02:35 PM 993 Views
Sorilea has been at it far longer than Morgase - 02/07/2015 12:21:55 AM 1008 Views
Re: Sorilea has been at it far longer than Morgase - 08/07/2015 03:26:43 AM 980 Views
Re: Sorilea has been at it far longer than Morgase - 09/07/2015 02:25:58 AM 995 Views
RJ did say... - 09/07/2015 07:13:01 AM 921 Views
Morgase spent nearly 2 years in the Tower - 09/07/2015 03:22:06 PM 1230 Views
And countless hours of frustrated focus to--fleetingly--grasp the source ONCE (i.e. less than twice) - 10/07/2015 02:51:53 AM 1094 Views
doesn't make sense as you describe it - 10/07/2015 04:42:31 PM 886 Views
It does not make sense as Jordan describes it either - 10/07/2015 09:00:36 PM 1092 Views
I agree with all of this - 10/07/2015 05:21:40 PM 960 Views
You are wise - 10/07/2015 09:06:16 PM 985 Views
But the scale was only applicable for Aes Sedai; they are the only ones to whom strength matters - 25/06/2015 11:10:45 PM 997 Views
It MATTERS to everyone; just because it is irrelevant to a hierarchy does not make it absolutely so - 27/06/2015 08:44:07 PM 971 Views
The problem with that - 01/07/2015 07:26:53 PM 1202 Views
66 levels for women + 6 ( ? ) for men - 27/06/2015 10:58:16 AM 1179 Views
This thing is all over the place - 30/06/2015 02:39:01 PM 1115 Views
Re: This thing is all over the place - 30/06/2015 09:39:43 PM 1052 Views
Some of it is... - 01/07/2015 08:10:00 PM 1185 Views

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