Active Users:456 Time:22/02/2025 02:04:46 PM
Re: Mesaana - Edit 1

Before modification by darius_sedai at 26/05/2015 10:43:56 PM

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Danelle was fairly high among Aes Sedai, but Mesaana was a full 15 levels higher.

well, this additional information we know the highest Mesaana can be is level 4 ... more likely level 6 or 7 but she can't be lower than 8 and still have enough room for separate levels between Elaida and her

knowing that Elaida is level 13 and that Mesaana is 15 levels above Dannelle we can work out the below

22 = Weakest possible for Danelle
21 = Most probable level for Danelle
20 =
19 = Strongest possible for Danelle
18 =
17 = Katerine/Silviana ?
16 =
15 = Myrelle/Anayia/rest of Salidar 6/Pevara/Yukiri/Saerin
14 = Sheriam
13 = Elaida/Romanda/Lelaine
12 = "The sharp drop" Cadsuane mentions in NS
11 = Meilyn/Kerene/Nicola/Therava
10 = Cadsuane/Bode
9 = Egwene/Elayne/Aviendha/Metaara
8 = Tamela and Viendre
7 = Moghedien (lowest possible for Mesaana give we know Elaida is 13)
6 = Most probable level for Mesaana
5 = Semirhage (maybe Mesaana if you listen to her inner voice)
4 = Nynaeve/Talaan (strongest possible for Mesaana)
3 = Graendal (maybe Someryn)
2 = Cyndane (maybe Alivia)
1 = Lanfear (maybe Sharina)

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