Active Users:668 Time:23/02/2025 06:57:08 PM
Lol, I actually thought it was okay ßelals Girl Send a noteboard - 10/02/2015 04:06:17 PM

I was expecting major Amature Hour, but I actually thought both actors did a decent job.

Although I might just have been impressed that LTT basically looked and acted how I pictured him...and that rarely happens. Usually characters in adaptations don't seem anything like my mental pictures of them. Ishamael certainly didn't, but I thought the guy playing him was convincing nonetheless (other than a couple of spots where I thought his delivery was weak).

I also liked how they let us get to know LTT's family just a bit, even if they were basically just stock characters. It's still more than we got in the book, where sometimes I forget LTT even HAD children, since he never talks about them and only cares about his wife.

Also liked how they portrayed the bodies as dolls while LTT was still nuts, and how the sheer number of them all over the place began to clue him in that something was wrong, even before Ishamael healed him.

Of course, it sucked that they didn't include the formation of Dragonmount, but this was obviously made on a shoestring budget, and they likely couldn't afford decent special effects and I'm sure it would have looked incredibly stupid done with cheap effects (the one time they showed channeling, it looked cheesy as hell).

That said, I didn't think it was anything to write home about, just impressed that it was better than I expected. I still hope RJ's wife gets the rights back and sells them to someone who might actually do something with them.

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WoT FXX Pilot - 09/02/2015 10:16:17 PM 2181 Views
Re: WoT FXX Pilot - 09/02/2015 10:50:49 PM 1329 Views
Here it is: - 09/02/2015 10:55:59 PM 1116 Views
I thought it wasn't bad for what it was. - 10/02/2015 09:05:45 AM 1059 Views
Re: I thought it wasn't bad for what it was. - 10/02/2015 02:02:47 PM 1494 Views
Well, I'll defer to your opinion. - 11/02/2015 12:12:47 AM 1105 Views
Re: Well, I'll defer to your opinion. - 11/02/2015 03:41:45 AM 1203 Views
About an animated adaptation - 11/02/2015 03:51:24 AM 782 Views
I do wonder how if it is possible to vizualize the one power in an interesting way - 11/02/2015 09:08:50 AM 901 Views
Re: I do wonder how if it is possible to vizualize the one power in an interesting way - 11/02/2015 05:10:01 PM 1336 Views
I'd honestly not mind if they changed the conventions a bit - 11/02/2015 05:55:43 PM 838 Views
I feel like we'd lose something doing that - 13/03/2015 04:33:03 PM 1140 Views
Re: I feel like we'd lose something doing that - 14/03/2015 12:52:02 AM 822 Views
About an animated adaptation - 11/02/2015 03:51:25 AM 951 Views
Re: About an animated adaptation - 11/02/2015 06:56:58 PM 1040 Views
Lol, I actually thought it was okay - 10/02/2015 04:06:17 PM 962 Views
I've watched worse - 10/02/2015 09:54:14 PM 993 Views
This pile of turd certainly did one thing... - 11/02/2015 03:52:20 AM 893 Views
Did the opening remind anyone of LoTR? - 15/03/2015 09:50:19 PM 849 Views

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