Active Users:370 Time:12/03/2025 11:28:56 PM
Egwene wasn't Rand's enemy in the middle books, but she obviously was bitter/jealous of him beetnemesis Send a noteboard - 04/12/2013 02:47:06 PM

Pretty much everything she said or thought had the undercurrent of, "Hmph! Who does Rand al'Thor think he is, giving orders. What, he thinks he's BETTER than me or something!?"

My favorite example of this is when Rand Portal Stones everyone to Rhuidean, and Amys is there to meet them. Egwene goes up to her expecting to be welcomed like the dreamwalker prodigy she is, only to be told, essentially, "be quiet, I have more important people to talk to, first."

I amuse myself.
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Egwene vs Rand, a retrospective - 19/11/2013 03:28:06 AM 1670 Views
Re: Egwene vs Rand, a retrospective - 19/11/2013 06:55:35 AM 1214 Views
Re: Egwene vs Rand, a retrospective - 19/11/2013 04:12:26 PM 1022 Views
Re: Egwene vs Rand, a retrospective - 21/11/2013 06:02:28 AM 847 Views
Re: Egwene vs Rand, a retrospective - 21/11/2013 02:07:35 PM 953 Views
Re: Egwene vs Rand, a retrospective - 23/11/2013 07:10:34 PM 1083 Views
Re: Egwene vs Rand, a retrospective - 21/11/2013 06:00:44 AM 1058 Views
She does perhaps get less credit than she deserves. - 19/11/2013 09:41:49 PM 1092 Views
Re: She does perhaps get less credit than she deserves. - 21/11/2013 06:14:14 AM 823 Views
Re: Egwene vs Rand, a retrospective - 21/11/2013 06:08:25 PM 1062 Views
Re: Egwene vs Rand, a retrospective - 23/11/2013 07:25:44 PM 1110 Views
Re: Egwene vs Rand, a retrospective - 24/11/2013 04:37:34 AM 1074 Views
Re: Egwene vs Rand, a retrospective - 24/11/2013 06:08:28 AM 877 Views
Re: Egwene vs Rand, a retrospective - 02/12/2013 03:53:57 PM 997 Views
Re: Egwene vs Rand, a retrospective - 03/12/2013 05:14:57 AM 885 Views
Re: Egwene vs Rand, a retrospective - 03/12/2013 12:39:02 PM 949 Views
Well... - 04/12/2013 05:54:16 AM 872 Views
Okay, I can get behind that... - 06/12/2013 11:39:23 AM 853 Views
Re: Well... - 06/12/2013 06:37:50 PM 817 Views
Re: Well... - 06/12/2013 07:17:26 PM 788 Views
Go Egwene! - 22/11/2013 02:24:51 PM 875 Views
Exactly! She died as she lived; trying to wield too much power - 22/11/2013 04:05:51 PM 891 Views
Re: Go Egwene! - 23/11/2013 07:26:10 PM 840 Views
Egwene wasn't Rand's enemy in the middle books, but she obviously was bitter/jealous of him - 04/12/2013 02:47:06 PM 1116 Views
I quite enjoyed that scene - 05/12/2013 05:32:38 AM 774 Views

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