Active Users:509 Time:12/03/2025 07:31:01 PM
Re: Wait, what's your source? Fanatic-Templar Send a noteboard - 08/11/2013 04:25:53 AM

View original postOTOH RJ mentioned that souls "borrowed" to be used for Shadowspawn are irremediably tainted and can't be reborn except as Shadowspawn. It might be the same with souls captured by Mashadar.

Was it irremediable? I believe that it was said they'd need multiple reincarnations until the corruption could be 'filtered' out of the soul by the Pattern.

Or, now that you mention it, perhaps this was the case for Trollocs, but Myrddraal were irredeemably corrupted?

The first rule of being a ninja is "do no harm". Unless you intend to do harm, then do lots of harm.
~Master Splinter

Victorious in Bergioyn's legendary 'Reverse Mafia'. *MySmiley*
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Why wasn't Sammael resurrected? - 30/10/2013 06:05:02 PM 1701 Views
Holy shit, you're still here? - 31/10/2013 12:48:16 AM 1207 Views
+1 to the holy shit - 31/10/2013 02:10:27 AM 942 Views
Re: +1 to the holy shit - 31/10/2013 07:29:20 PM 923 Views
Re: +1 to the holy shit - 01/11/2013 07:56:20 AM 923 Views
Re: Holy shit, you're still here? - 31/10/2013 07:27:57 PM 923 Views
Because he wasn't a woman - 31/10/2013 02:36:57 AM 946 Views
Re: Because he wasn't a woman - 31/10/2013 07:27:11 PM 1060 Views
Aginor, Balthamael, Ishamael all male. All resurrected. - 03/11/2013 07:14:31 PM 900 Views
Eh, I was more poking fun at my past behavior - 05/11/2013 07:49:21 PM 887 Views
Dixit RJ at a signing: Mashadar got him first - 01/11/2013 02:45:20 AM 983 Views
Re: Dixit RJ at a signing: Mashadar got him first - 01/11/2013 05:47:02 AM 1178 Views
Re: Dixit RJ at a signing: Mashadar got him first - 01/11/2013 07:51:21 AM 939 Views
One of the themes of RJ - 03/11/2013 01:16:12 AM 1015 Views
Also, Pokes Sidious with a Stick *NM* - 03/11/2013 01:23:12 AM 469 Views
Wait, what's your source? - 04/11/2013 06:42:14 AM 956 Views
Re: Wait, what's your source? - 04/11/2013 09:04:26 PM 1154 Views
Re: Wait, what's your source? - 08/11/2013 04:25:53 AM 1031 Views
Re: Wait, what's your source? - 08/11/2013 09:43:08 AM 765 Views

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