Active Users:374 Time:12/03/2025 11:30:45 PM
Well Sanderson probably dropped the ball on this one but didn't the Windfinders use the Bowl at TG? Cannoli Send a noteboard - 29/10/2013 11:14:42 PM

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I don't think so. There is so much in WOT that at the end of the day was totally irrelevant to the climax of the series.

Actually, since the Dark One was the one behind the weather issues, and Moridin said he'd be pissed if they managed to break that, I think it was paid off by itself. As Moiraine once pointed out, opposing something the Dark One wants is sufficient justification in its own right. Also the mission itself was the framework for a lot of character growth and lessons in limitations that the Wondergirls had not previously encountered, having achieved some fairly rapid, spectacular and unprecedented success right out of the gate. The plodding along and searching is one of the few examples of them actually doing plain old boring work in the whole series. That mission also reconciled the important women to Mat which probably enabled Elayne to work so well with him in the aMoL books, as well as, of course, setting him up to meet Tuon. It also facilitated the development of Elayne's and Aviendha's relationship, which led to bonding Rand, and who can say how that helped him survive Tarmon Gaidon. At the very least, they probably kept anyone from putting a pillow over "Moridin"'s face while he was comatose, and the bond probably gave him just enough strength to escape the Pit of Doom, and give the title of the chapter where he had his Dragonmount revelation, the bond probably reminded him of love and all that crap.

Without their time working together looking for the Bowl, Elayne & Aviendha might not have developed their relationship sufficiently to want to adopt each other and who can say how that would have affected Elayne's decision to share the bond, much less working out the capacity? Those are just some examples of things that happened during or because of the Bowl search.

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Dumai Wells - 28/10/2013 04:22:39 AM 1726 Views
You've read up to KoD, but not beyond? That seems like a shame... - 28/10/2013 01:46:10 PM 1407 Views
I quite liked The Path of Daggers and Winter's Heart... - 28/10/2013 05:01:03 PM 1169 Views
As did I, but PoD already less than earlier books. - 28/10/2013 07:23:33 PM 1223 Views
Re: As did I, but PoD already less than earlier books. - 28/10/2013 11:18:47 PM 1196 Views
Re: As did I, but PoD already less than earlier books. - 29/10/2013 02:28:54 AM 1012 Views
Bwahaha, this, this a thousand times *NM* - 30/10/2013 04:06:07 PM 465 Views
This is the problem with being a nerd before the internet . - 30/10/2013 05:10:36 PM 1168 Views
In the grand scheme of the LB, did fixing the weather with the bowl mean anything? - 29/10/2013 05:29:06 PM 978 Views
It was one of the first large-scale examples of the potential of Saidar and Saidin working together *NM* - 29/10/2013 06:03:14 PM 607 Views
Meh..... *NM* - 29/10/2013 06:39:57 PM 455 Views
Best I could do. Still doesn't justify spending 3 books on it. *NM* - 29/10/2013 08:45:52 PM 931 Views
Yes? - 29/10/2013 09:18:45 PM 1131 Views
Well Sanderson probably dropped the ball on this one but didn't the Windfinders use the Bowl at TG? - 29/10/2013 11:14:42 PM 1067 Views
That's me as well. - 29/10/2013 02:36:09 AM 1044 Views
Dumai's Wells was my favorite scene in WoT - 28/10/2013 02:05:32 PM 1161 Views
Dumai's Wells was the highlight of the series..... - 28/10/2013 07:15:59 PM 960 Views
You should read AMOL.....just to wrap everything up! - 28/10/2013 07:17:56 PM 1169 Views

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