You've read up to KoD, but not beyond? That seems like a shame...
Legolas Send a noteboard - 28/10/2013 01:46:10 PM
View original postI havent been back to this board in a looong time, so long in fact I had to create a new account as I forgot my PW and no longer have the email I used to create my old account. I was watching a movie the other night and the battle scene in it reminded me of something that I could not quite think of. Then it hit me, Dumai Wells! It was a wierd moment as I hadnt thought of WOT or Jordan or this place in a long time. Ive started around since the beginning of the Wotmania days, lurked mostly but got in a few good discussions, posted some theories and partook in a few Egwene hate threads, usually started by Cannoli. I was a true wotmaniac,I lived and breathed everything wot. I annoyed book stores with my calls asking if the next book was in, I visited wotmania daily, pouring over theories and One power Rankings, I loved it. Like so many others I started getting a little burnt out around book 7 or 8 and started questioning the direction Jordan was taking but I was still a mega fan. Then the books started taking longer and longer to come out, the characters staring becoming caricatures of themselves and instead of wrapping up plotlines that dated back to book one we were seeing new , seemingly pointless plotlines added to an already tangled mess. Winters Heart was probably the last book I ever read with any enthusiasm. I made it KOD but just picked it up because I saw it in the library and thought "why not?"I havent read past that and dont know if I ever will. I loved the characters and the world to much at one time to read a pale imitation of what it once was. But man, when it was good it was good. Ive never felt the kind of anger, sadness, excitment and anticpation with any other series as I felt when reading this one. That moment when we realized, right along with Nynaeave that she had healed Gentling.The burning anger I felt for Gwayans actions when Siuan was deposed.Mat, Mat and Mat agian, always Mat(no explaination needed here). there were so many insane, awesome and cool moments in this story that I cant really pick a favorite. But...but if I had to I would say it was Dumai Wells. Not my favorite scene or moment in the whole story, just my favorite "exiting" moment. The way Jordan described the chaos through Perrins eyes, the different points of view of the battle from all the different characters, the Ashamans enterance and Rand exploding out of the chest like an angry god, in short it was tits man. I always look back on Wot with sadness and a bit of anger that it came to what it did but coming back here today made me remember why this series stuck with me more than any other in my life. I dont know who if anyone will read this(the board seems a little dead)" but i just wanted to say thanks, thanks for all the theories, the arguments and laughter. and thanks to Robert Jordan for creating something that took up a large part of my life for several years, thanks MR. Jordan for Rand and Caemlyn and Min and the whole gang and thanks for Dumais Wells.
Most people will agree with you that Path of Daggers, Winter's Heart and especially the notorious Crossroads of Twilight were disappointing - they're not nearly that bad on rereads when you can keep reading, merely disappointing to people who waited two years for each of them and were left wanting more. However, Knife of Dreams was generally more popular already, and then Brandon Sanderson came in and took over RJ's work on Gathering Storm, Towers of Midnight and A Memory of Light. If you still think back on the books that fondly, then I'd suggest you read those as well (although that may require a reread of all the rest first to refresh your memory...). They're not perfect, and you may find Sanderson's version of Mat a bit off, especially in the first book, but they're quite good and all in all the ending is quite satisfying I thought.
As for the board, it is of course rather dead, but not quite so dead that posts won't be read anymore.
Dumai Wells
28/10/2013 04:22:39 AM
You've read up to KoD, but not beyond? That seems like a shame...
28/10/2013 01:46:10 PM
I quite liked The Path of Daggers and Winter's Heart...
28/10/2013 05:01:03 PM
As did I, but PoD already less than earlier books.
28/10/2013 07:23:33 PM
Speaking of COT - the greatest book review ever.....
28/10/2013 07:48:34 PM
Ouch. That about sums up people's initial reactions, yeah... though very harsh in hindsight. *NM*
28/10/2013 08:56:45 PM
Re: As did I, but PoD already less than earlier books.
28/10/2013 11:18:47 PM
In the grand scheme of the LB, did fixing the weather with the bowl mean anything?
29/10/2013 05:29:06 PM
It was one of the first large-scale examples of the potential of Saidar and Saidin working together *NM*
29/10/2013 06:03:14 PM
Meh..... *NM*
29/10/2013 06:39:57 PM
Best I could do. Still doesn't justify spending 3 books on it. *NM*
29/10/2013 08:45:52 PM
Well Sanderson probably dropped the ball on this one but didn't the Windfinders use the Bowl at TG?
29/10/2013 11:14:42 PM
Thank you for this post. Its good to know that I'm not the only one that had that reaction
28/10/2013 08:11:03 PM