So Jordan has done all mankind a service by exposing his readers to our betters. Though it does raise the question of how such a pedestrian series motivated those who only read it long enough to recognize its banality to join a fansite dedicated to it.
I threw "Game of Thrones" across the room in disgust when Ned Stark betrayed his life-long dedication to honor, relinquished all his great leverage over the Lannisters and declared himself a traitor (ironically validating the charge) all for a deal anyone with a brain knew the Lannisters would never honor. I knew it then and there, but a savvy experienced player of the Game never saw it coming, and my interest in the series died with its only worthwhile character. So I immediately raced to Westeros and voiced my displeasure to my fellow ASoIaF fans, right? NO, I moved on with my life and never bothered joining that or any other such site in the first place.
Are you done narrating your life's history via books read?
Je suis méchant.