Active Users:2861 Time:23/01/2025 01:54:49 AM
Hey, c'mon, without the The Wheel of Time ya'll could not be here gracing us with your erudition. - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 05/09/2013 04:42:21 AM

So Jordan has done all mankind a service by exposing his readers to our betters. Though it does raise the question of how such a pedestrian series motivated those who only read it long enough to recognize its banality to join a fansite dedicated to it.

I threw "Game of Thrones" across the room in disgust when Ned Stark betrayed his life long dedication to honor, relinquished all his great leverage over the Lannisters and declared himself a traitor (which ironically made the charge valid) all for a deal anyone with a brain knew the Lannisters would never honor. I knew it then and there, but a savvy experienced player of the Game never saw it coming, and my interest in the series died with its only worthwhile character. So I immediately raced to Westeros and voiced my displeasure to my fellow ASoIaF fans, right? NO, I moved on with my life and never bothered joining that or any other such site in the first place.

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