Active Users:538 Time:28/09/2024 04:50:35 AM
That makes more sense, to me ... Shishka Send a noteboard - 01/10/2009 06:44:44 PM
They way I understand it, the reduction in strength only affects the members of the circle and not the leader. The leader can access all of his/her strength, but the other members cannot because there is a metaphysical narrowing of all the other conduits as they enter the leader.

Yeah, that makes sense. I don't see why the link should affect the leader's ability to draw his/her full strength.

Thus if 10 women of 10 strength link, their combined strength will be (1x10) + (9x9) = 91.

If we say a 2 women of 10 strength link results in 19, then it's either 10+9 or 9.5+9.5. Therefore, if 10 women of 10 strength lin, the result is either 91 (as you said), or 95 (10*9.5). Your way results in a lower number, but (as I said) I think it makes more sense.

I also therefore don't agree that a male will actually be weaker if he only channels saidin in a mixed link. Only he can lead, and he can access all of his strength, therefore his strength will be the same.

Right, that was the point I was trying to make previously. If you're right about where the link-loss occurs (i.e. only in the non-leading members), then the male leader in your example should not experience a loss in saidin strength.

I sort of see it like this... say if Sandomere and Ayako link to make a fireball, and he has to lead. He must decide on how much saidin to use, and how much saidar. The effective strength of the fireball will be something like this IMO...

Saidin Saidar Strength of Weave
100 0 100
75 25 150
50 50 300
25 75 150
0 100 100

Yeah,something like that. The bottom line is, for a given "Z" amount of OP used in a weave, comprising "X" amount of saidin and "Y" amount of saidar, where X+Y=Z, the closer the balance between X & Y, the more potent the result.

However, I don't think your numbers above are quite right. Consider, if 50/50 results in 300, then 100/50 should result in >300. If the weave starts out as 50/50, and Sandomere starts pumping in more saidin from 50->100 (leaving saidar as 50), the strength of the weave should increase, right? But, your 75/25 only results in 150. Meaning (using the same math), 100/50 would result in 300 - same as 50/50.

So, it probably needs to be more like this:

100 0 100
75 25 200 (25/25 would = 150, then add 50 for the extra 50 saidin)
50 50 300
25 75 200 (25/25 would = 150, then add 50 for the extra 50 saidar)
0 100 100

For "m" units of one half of the OP and "n" units of the other half, where m<=n (i.e. m is the smaller number in an unbalanced weave), the potency formula would be:

6*m + (n-m) = 5m + n

So, for example, weaves of 150/30, 100/40, and 50/50 are the same strength (300).

There are many other factors though. The two powers may be exponential when added, but it also depends on how strong he is compared to her. If Rand linked with Moiraine, I doubt he'd allocate equal portions to a fireball. Likewise, a woman might be stressed to weave Fire whereas a male might find it easy. We already can see that if a male and female link they can make a bigger gateway than Rand can, which means that the benefit is enormous.

Yeah, if Rand is strength 100 and Mo is 40, then a 100/40 fireball should be stronger than a 40/40 fireball, as I explained above. So the leader should always draw the max he can from himself + each member, to create the strongest possible weave from that paticular circle, even if that results in a big imbalance between the amount of saidin and saidar used.

And there are other factors, too. Like if the leader has a Talent for a particular weave.
Rise and fall, turn the Wheel,
'cause all life is
is really just a circle.

This message last edited by Shishka on 01/10/2009 at 06:48:29 PM
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Male/Female circles - 25/09/2009 09:33:38 PM 829 Views
Yes; somewhat. - 25/09/2009 10:57:35 PM 510 Views
Re: Yes; somewhat. - 26/09/2009 06:19:45 AM 450 Views
Why would saidar surprise him? - 26/09/2009 03:40:23 PM 485 Views
Re: Why would saidar surprise him? - 26/09/2009 06:34:04 PM 460 Views
He thought they were Aes Sedai who could not channel? - 26/09/2009 07:02:42 PM 407 Views
He did not know they were Aes Sedai until after the mixed weave struck his warding. - 26/09/2009 10:13:10 PM 402 Views
You're right. I misremembered. *NM* - 26/09/2009 10:17:22 PM 190 Views
right... - 26/09/2009 02:56:26 PM 463 Views
Re: right... - 26/09/2009 07:49:21 PM 445 Views
I think Lanfear clears this up... - 27/09/2009 05:19:37 AM 468 Views
But he did see the weaves - 29/09/2009 03:38:10 PM 413 Views
Agreed, plus some numbers ... - 28/09/2009 07:50:54 PM 420 Views
I don't agree with some of this - 28/09/2009 09:37:13 PM 414 Views
Re: I don't agree with some of this - 29/09/2009 02:39:46 PM 448 Views
Re: I don't agree with some of this - 29/09/2009 06:07:56 PM 382 Views
Re: I don't agree with some of this - 29/09/2009 07:00:28 PM 414 Views
Re: I don't agree with some of this - 29/09/2009 08:25:19 PM 490 Views
I understand what you're saying ... - 30/09/2009 04:04:17 PM 412 Views
Indeed - 30/09/2009 04:32:37 PM 365 Views
Re: Indeed - 30/09/2009 07:05:13 PM 443 Views
Some proof against your idea... - 01/10/2009 03:37:48 AM 418 Views
Nice, thanks ... - 01/10/2009 02:00:24 PM 382 Views
Re: Nice, thanks ... - 01/10/2009 04:58:02 PM 428 Views
That makes more sense, to me ... - 01/10/2009 06:44:44 PM 472 Views
Re: That makes more sense, to me ... - 03/10/2009 06:53:45 AM 485 Views
Re: Male/Female circles - 27/09/2009 02:19:31 PM 425 Views
Re: Male/Female circles - 28/09/2009 03:58:15 PM 413 Views

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