as the attempt at a sentient construct. Think about it, in the Age of Legends, they had technology...they had the One Power...they had pretty much everything. They were pushing the possiblities of space/time and existance when they were going through the different dimentions using the Portal Stones. They were using the Dreamworld to do research in, where even reality can be adjusted to suit their needs.
They were genetically modifying plants (Avendesora trees). So what they tried next was a living construct. In today's day and age, we strive towards many things, but we see the touchy subject when we destroy human life to get stem cells. Well imagine wanting to make a sentient life form. Using humans would be considred evil. Using animals would be considered cruel.
That leaves plants. One can experiment on plants without getting near an ethical issue. The Greenman was the ultimate in creating a living construct.
And the others said. Fantasy needs their talking tree people.
They were genetically modifying plants (Avendesora trees). So what they tried next was a living construct. In today's day and age, we strive towards many things, but we see the touchy subject when we destroy human life to get stem cells. Well imagine wanting to make a sentient life form. Using humans would be considred evil. Using animals would be considered cruel.
That leaves plants. One can experiment on plants without getting near an ethical issue. The Greenman was the ultimate in creating a living construct.
And the others said. Fantasy needs their talking tree people.
ex-Admin at wotmania (all things wot & art galleries)
Saving the Princess, Humanity, or the World-Entire since 1985
Saving the Princess, Humanity, or the World-Entire since 1985
Purpose of the Greenmen
17/02/2013 04:52:04 PM
Re: Purpose of the Greenmen
17/02/2013 05:19:18 PM
I was especially disappointed about this....
17/02/2013 09:38:08 PM
Re: I was especially disappointed about this....
17/02/2013 10:51:54 PM
Whoa whoa whoa. The Finns helped make SL? Where did I miss this? *NM*
18/02/2013 10:25:30 PM
Quick Point: Rand was half-Aiel. Totally plausible he had some Singing in his blood *NM*
21/02/2013 04:30:51 PM
Re: Quick Point: Rand was half-Aiel. Totally plausible he had some Singing in his blood
21/02/2013 05:28:02 PM
To show everyone Tolkien wasn't the only one with talking trees. *NM*
18/02/2013 12:00:48 AM
I always perceived it.....
18/02/2013 11:19:19 PM