I liked a few scenes... The ultimate was Egwene facing Taim in a number of skirmishes and finally defeating him using Vora's wand, only to die herself. I also liked the Androl/Pevara plot, Perrin/Graendal and Aviendha/Graendal plots. Demandred was entertaining.
I found Elayne unfulfilling as usual. Mat was by far the worst to read about... He was very poorly written. Tuon too. Nynaeve was poorly used in this book, and I expected more character interaction from Moiraine.
2. Plot wrap up
Well I'm glad we saw how the sealing occurred. Yes, he used all three powers as I predicted as well as predicted that Callandor is a TP sa'angreal (I even said he'd use Moridin for the TP) so all the people who mocked me can hang their heads in shame.
Plot progression has always been poor in the series. I was hoping for a united unisex Aes Sedai but it seems like its decades off. There were dozens of other unfulfilled plots and that's a big disappointment. Morgase... Elaida... Shaido...?
3. Character death
Best: Egwene ... She remains one of the greatest characters in the series.
Worst: Siuan... Very random. I thought the overall body count was much too low. I'd have liked at least half of the main characters to die. Funny, some of the small characters deaths affected me... Kiruna, Sarene being compelled, Romanda....
4. New tidbit of knowledge (OP or otherwise)
Best: Seeds for angreal. Nice debating potential there.
Worst: sakarnen... Please...
I found Elayne unfulfilling as usual. Mat was by far the worst to read about... He was very poorly written. Tuon too. Nynaeve was poorly used in this book, and I expected more character interaction from Moiraine.
2. Plot wrap up
Well I'm glad we saw how the sealing occurred. Yes, he used all three powers as I predicted as well as predicted that Callandor is a TP sa'angreal (I even said he'd use Moridin for the TP) so all the people who mocked me can hang their heads in shame.
Plot progression has always been poor in the series. I was hoping for a united unisex Aes Sedai but it seems like its decades off. There were dozens of other unfulfilled plots and that's a big disappointment. Morgase... Elaida... Shaido...?
3. Character death
Best: Egwene ... She remains one of the greatest characters in the series.
Worst: Siuan... Very random. I thought the overall body count was much too low. I'd have liked at least half of the main characters to die. Funny, some of the small characters deaths affected me... Kiruna, Sarene being compelled, Romanda....
4. New tidbit of knowledge (OP or otherwise)
Best: Seeds for angreal. Nice debating potential there.
Worst: sakarnen... Please...
Wheel of Time board admin
Fan of Lanfear
Fan of Lanfear
I can't help but think the majority was unimpressed with AMOL
15/02/2013 08:16:04 PM
My initial impressions....
16/02/2013 05:44:34 AM
Mat's talisman was retconned
17/02/2013 03:32:34 PM
Re: Mat's talisman was retconned
17/02/2013 04:28:51 PM
I'm surprised at how many people didn't realize that Mat was no longer tied to the horn.
18/02/2013 02:42:29 PM
I loved it. There's been plenty of discussion on TL and Dragonmount *NM*
16/02/2013 06:44:54 AM
I initially gave it 8 but now I'm down to 6
16/02/2013 07:32:59 AM
I was happy with it, not overjoyed but it did the job
16/02/2013 02:22:50 PM
Re: I was happy with it, not overjoyed but it did the job
16/02/2013 04:01:15 PM
Re: I was happy with it, not overjoyed but it did the job
16/02/2013 05:53:27 PM
i'm going out on a bit of a limb here on #3 i think.....
18/02/2013 04:06:14 PM
From what I've seen, it's seen as "good enough" as the last book of the series...
21/02/2013 10:59:50 PM
Re: I can't help but think the majority was unimpressed with AMOL
14/03/2013 03:52:40 AM