I suspect the series could have been incredibly well told in no more than 6 books
darius_sedai Send a noteboard - 13/02/2013 12:27:41 AM
1. Were you happy/satisfied with the conclusion of WOT?
No, I was extremly dissapointed. Particularly with the lack of involvement by 2 of the three parts of the Rand / Perrin / Mat tripod in sealing the Dark Ones prison.
2. I feel that very very little of this book was written by RJ, that it may have existed as a series of notes. Many of the scenes in it do not sit well with his style.
3. I was happy to be done with the thing, I felt that it had let down the series that preceded it on a number of fronts.
The let down happened years before Sanderson. RJ bloated this thing well past what he should have.
4. Logains fawning adoration of Androl.
But RJs writing style is rather pedantic ... But to be fair I enjoyed many random tidbits throughout the series that would not have been there had he not meandered his way through the story ... I hate that he wasn't able to finish it himself as I feel only he could have truly done the ending justice.
Egwene's death was particularly abrupt IMO as were the deaths of Siuan, Bryne, Bashere and Deira.
Too many secondary characters got basically zero on screen time and the resolutions to the Black Tower and Black Ajah sucked ... Plain and simple, Sanderson did not know how to wrap it p.
Domani Drag Queen in the White Tower ... Aran'gar watch out!
Just about to start AMOL - before I do, a few questions.....
11/02/2013 04:18:40 AM
Re: Just about to start AMOL - before I do, a few questions.....
11/02/2013 07:54:48 AM
Re: Just about to start AMOL - before I do, a few questions.....
11/02/2013 12:35:37 PM
Re: Just about to start AMOL - before I do, a few questions.....
11/02/2013 06:16:21 PM
I suspect the series could have been incredibly well told in no more than 6 books
13/02/2013 12:27:41 AM
Re: Just about to start AMOL - before I do, a few questions.....
11/02/2013 01:25:09 PM
It sucks it sucks it sucks. Have low expectations and you might be okay with it.
12/02/2013 05:22:11 AM
Re: It sucks it sucks it sucks. Have low expectations and you might be okay with it.
12/02/2013 03:29:56 PM
Re: Just about to start AMOL - before I do, a few questions.....
12/02/2013 01:47:50 PM