Heading out on vacation tomorrow and I'm taking AMOL with me. So, a few questions. FYI, I know many of the major spoilers, so don't worry if you let a few things slip.
Have a good time - I'm going to try to minimize spoilers anyway
1. Were you happy/satisfied with the conclusion of WOT?
Not the literal conclusion, the epilogue was a bit fragmented I think, the final POV is obviously written by RJ and I think it was a draft by him, not meant to be the final form. Some stuff seemed a bit rushed, doesn't seem to match well, but overall yes, very. I think Sanderson did a good job with an impossible task.
2. Could you tell what was written by RJ?
Sometimes, I really doubt very much was actually written by RJ, but I think the final scene was. I'd bet Sanderson had to write from notes or totally redo 99% of the thing. But I listened to it on audio, and the narrators for the entire series - as well as Sanderson's own Mistborn series - are the same two people and that helps a lot I think. I daresay a book written by a different author with the same narrators seems more right then the original author by a different narrator, which I always find jarring.
3. What was the first thing that came to mind after you read the last word of AMOL?
A sense of completion plus regret? I've never claimed WoT was the best series out there, not even my own favorite, but I can't think of a series I've been more attached and involved with.
4. What was most unexpected with AMOL (event, character, or your reaction to something)?
Pretty much the entire Demandred arc that we got to see, I'm genuinely looking forward to the follow up on that. Not his initial intro, that wasn't too surprising, but the entire series of one-on-ones. For that matter who fought who and who survived and who didn't really was unexpected. Not always well done, but mostly so. Some of the re herrings bugged me, others did not.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
Just about to start AMOL - before I do, a few questions.....
11/02/2013 04:18:40 AM
Re: Just about to start AMOL - before I do, a few questions.....
11/02/2013 07:54:48 AM
Re: Just about to start AMOL - before I do, a few questions.....
11/02/2013 12:35:37 PM
Re: Just about to start AMOL - before I do, a few questions.....
11/02/2013 06:16:21 PM
I suspect the series could have been incredibly well told in no more than 6 books
13/02/2013 12:27:41 AM
Re: Just about to start AMOL - before I do, a few questions.....
11/02/2013 01:25:09 PM
11/02/2013 04:18:46 PM
It sucks it sucks it sucks. Have low expectations and you might be okay with it.
12/02/2013 05:22:11 AM
Re: It sucks it sucks it sucks. Have low expectations and you might be okay with it.
12/02/2013 03:29:56 PM
Re: Just about to start AMOL - before I do, a few questions.....
12/02/2013 01:47:50 PM